“#YouAintBlack” On A Simple White T-Shirt – IOTW Report

“#YouAintBlack” On A Simple White T-Shirt


The Trump campaign is wasting no time making the most out of presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s latest racial gaffe. More

9 Comments on “#YouAintBlack” On A Simple White T-Shirt

  1. …when I was coming up, it was a version of “playing the dozens” for the Black kids to back-and-forth with “You’re Momma’s so Black, she…” type insults, e.g. “You’re Momma’s so Black, her shadow doesn’t know where she ends”, “You’re Momma’s so Black, when she smokes a cigarette, people think she’s a beeper”, “You’re Momma’s so Black,the hospital put her baby picture on a Wanted poster to save time” sort of things.

    …so I guess we can safely add, “You’re Momma’s so Black, she has to vote for Joe Biden”….

  2. Joe, you you can hide, but you cannot run. That’s what I fear your party says.

    Hiding behind a video camera in your basement hasn’t helped one bit. You’re still a gaffe machine and and you will be the undoing of your own campaign. And your party knows that.

    I just hope that the DNC keeps you in the race through the election – barring the expected MASSIVE voter fraud the demonrats have planned.

  3. The left won’t change thier stripes. Degrading, taking black voters for granted while never doing anything on their behalf will continue.
    Too many black Americans will vote for Creepy Uncle Joe, afraid of being ostracized if they walk away from the Demwitocrat plantation.
    The Trump campaign gets it. Black people are very capable of deciding for themselves who they want to vote for when well informed. Enough black Americans are making the better choice of supporting President Trump and the left is desperate and panicing.


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