You’d have to work hard to be dumber than this bartender/congresswoman – IOTW Report

You’d have to work hard to be dumber than this bartender/congresswoman

Twitchy –

Wait, WHAT? AOC says it’s ironic that people whose families came to US through Ellis Island oppose illegal immigration (and folks have thoughts)

The people on Twitter let her have it.

-Chris Nodimas
Replying to @AOC

I had no idea immigrants were sneaking into the US via Ellis Island.

TheFOO@PolitiBunnyReplying to @AOC

Level with me, is there some weird thrill for you in being wrong all the time about everything? I mean wow, I have yet to see you be right about anything. lol

Jakub Swaps@JakubDubaj

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a human on this planet who’s as much of a source of painfully daft nonsense as this woman

Brian Nichols@BNicholsLiberty

116,000 people thought that this was a good tweet.

Even more evidence that we need to abolish the Department of Education.

via- Twitchy

ht/ annie

30 Comments on You’d have to work hard to be dumber than this bartender/congresswoman

  1. La Retardada will claim:

    (a) My words were taken out of context
    (b) You are stupid to take my words literally
    (c) I have a degree so I know what I’m talking about
    (d) Look! Squirrel!
    (e) All of the above

    The answer closest to being correct is (e). She will have additional excuses as her handlers whisper them in her ear and try to explain them to her.

  2. Let’s try this complete lack of regard for legal vs. illegal immigration in other areas of life.

    “Gotta love how families who worked hard and made their money through legal means will now take fervent anti-criminal stances and brand innocent human thieves as ‘illegal'”

    “Gotta love how artists who worked hard to create their art legitimately will now take fervent anti-plagiarism stances and brand innocent copyright thieves/counterfeiters as ‘illegal'”

    “Gotta love how men who worked hard to win the love of a woman will now take fervent anti-rape stances and brand innocent rapists as ‘illegal'”

    “Gotta love how people who financed and built their own homes will now take fervent anti-squatter stances and brand innocent home invader/squatters as illegal”

    “Gotta love how parents who birthed and raised their own children will now take fervent anti-kidnapping stances and brand innocent kidnappers as ‘illegal'”

    “Gotta love how countries built their own economies and systems of legal tender will now take fervent anti-counterfeiting stances and brand innocent counterfeit money printers as ‘illegal'”

  3. Gotta love how social promotion through education in both lower education and higher education through the many years has ‘paid’ off for us now as a society with examples like her.

    The problem?? She is only one of many MANY thousands that were ‘promoted’ through the years.

    I see this in media and in the workplace as well. People are just plain ole stupid have no sense of history and context.

  4. If I ever get the opportunity to thank the guy who fucked her brains out, I’m going to buy him all the drinks he can handle and a huge prime rib with all the trimmings. This unknown man is responsible for giving us the gift that never stops to think what her inane nonsense is doing for President Donald J. Trump’s re-election chances. If brains were shoe leather, AOC wouldn’t have enough to make spats for a canary. Please don’t stop to grow another brain before November 2020.

  5. So true. But there are several worthy contenders hot on her heels that are capable of taking the lead position. I’m not sure if they work hard at it. It’s behavior that comes naturally.

  6. My grandfather did indeed ‘jump ship’ in 1917 to get here and when the authorities realized it, after he was here for five months, they told him back ‘ya go back to Ireland or over to France to fight”.

    He declined going back to the shithole he left and actually chose ‘help’ the Brits and French in some ‘Flanders Field’ in St. Michel.

    FU AOC.

  7. Gotta love how first and second great waves of immigration from Europe didn’t involve getting $30k a year in welfare benefits, housing vouchers, food stamps, free college, not needing documentation to fly throughout the US unlike citizens, having multiple sources of free legal counsel in every single state to help clog the system and many corporations having attorneys provide pro bono services to evade the law as well, having the IRS ignore their identity theft, not getting tickets for leaving the scenes of the drunk driving accidents they caused, having judges help sneak them out the back of the courthouse if ICE is waiting to arrest them, and on and on and fucking on.

  8. Aren’t politicians supposed to persuade people to agree with them, thereby getting their votes? This clown is alienating a large segment of the population; it’s fine with me, but really? Does she think a finger in your face is a good approach? Don’t get me wrong, I love how she’s face-planting all the time. But damn, woman, shut the hell up already.

  9. “La Retardada”

    I love it Al. But I’m stealing it and turning it into “La Retardora” That way I can still call her Dora.

    I think we may have fond a winner.

  10. There are hundreds of photographs of long lines of people waiting to be processed and legally entered into the US at Ellis Island.

    A person has to be a supreme idiot to misinterpret that evidence.

  11. As for my friends and me up here on the Massachusetts North Shore, when we hear the words “Harvard University”, “Boston University” or “UMass” we simply shrug our shoulders and admit most of the once great institutions of learning have degenerated into object lessons of destructive anti-American progressive cabals.

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