Your Expensive Drink Deserves an Expensive Ice – IOTW Report

Your Expensive Drink Deserves an Expensive Ice

21 Comments on Your Expensive Drink Deserves an Expensive Ice

  1. You can make crystal clear ice at home. Just put water in a cooler, put the cooler in the freezer. It’ll freeze from the bottom up, and when it’s about 1/2 to 2/3 frozen it’s done. Pour out the water, knock out the ice, carve it how you want it and put in freezer for future use.

  2. Where I grew up there was a place near my house along the C&O canal called Kitter’s ice pond. It was a spring fed pond that adjoined the canal. My Dad said in the winter when he was a kid in the 1910’s the ice company would cut ice out of the pond and take it to DC on the canal boats to be packed in the ice houses. He had one of the hook doohickeys they used to carry the ice. I think my brother still has it.


  3. There’s an old ice house maybe a mile from me, it’s used for meat packing and storage now. Caught on fire a while back, you wouldn’t believe the smoke plume. I went down to gawk along with about 50 other people. The firemen said the place had cork walls about 2 feet thick; they had a hell of a time getting the fire out, they were there for 5 hours before they got it beat down.

    Dang, I haven’t thought about that in years.

  4. Back when I was young and living in Alaska we frequently had glacier ice for our drinks. We figured it couldn’t get better than that. I’ve since read about organisms that come to life after thousands of years. Probably won’t do that anymore.

  5. I used to read a blog named, Parkway Rest Stop, and if I remember right the creator passed away. Sometimes he wrote about his turns bar tending at the local Veterans club, and one point he made that I’ve not forgotten was, -always- use clear ice when serving drinks (requiring ice).
    A bag of ice is not that expensive. 😉
    p.s. so many bloggers I used to read passed way. so sad.


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