Your Facebook profile just became easier to find – IOTW Report

Your Facebook profile just became easier to find

A developer released Facezam, a picture version of the Shazzam app -which identifies a song by “listening” to it.

Facezam allows you to take a picture of a person on the street and then find their Facebook profile.

Facebook is delaying the app because it “violates their privacy policy.”  (Meanwhile, Facebook uses facial recognition technology to suggest tags for your uploaded pictures.)

So, a stalker can take your picture and found out who you are, where you live, who you hang out with, where you’re most likely to be, etc.

It’s a convenient tool for evil-doers.

ht/ fdr in hell

22 Comments on Your Facebook profile just became easier to find

  1. I have a FB account. You need to have a personal account to create a Business account. My personal FB account profile picture is the same one I use on my Avatar here so I should be easy to find.
    Your missing out on a lot of really good stuff if you don’t do FB. Just make your profile as generic as you can. You don’t even need to use your real name. They can track your IP obviously, but they don’t need FB to do that.

  2. If I leave my account number, PIN code, government ID number, and mother’s maiden name on a piece of paper, and drop it in the street, the results might be bad. If I, my own self, spray paint them on a billboard next to the highway, with a giant picture of myself, and add, in glitter, “Look at me! Look at MEEEEE!” – well, the results might be worse. But whose fault is that?

  3. You can use photo/facial recognition for me, and you will be directed to the Facebook page for the 13th President of the United States. Who, I believe, quit posting to Facebook several years ago.

  4. “Your missing out on a lot of really good stuff if you don’t do FB.”

    “I know she has herpes but it’s in remission and I need this, bad. As in I can’t live without it. And I use hand sanitizer, before and after, bareback. I should be ok.”

  5. @Helen Keller March 14, 2017 at 6:25 pm

    Helen! I wanna have your babies! Well, maybe just baby. Depends on how quick we can “get busy” before the whole “gender is whatever I wanna be today” fad passes. And don’t worry. I’ve never been found to have any STDs. Never been checked. But as long as nobody handed me paperwork proving otherwise, I’m good!

  6. don’t do Fakebook …
    don’t need to see the latest meal any of my ‘friends’ are consuming at their local eatery …
    don’t need to see any of my ‘friends’ kids w/ their latest participation trophy, diploma from ‘Little Genius Academy’ or Little Nimrod’s latest ‘hobby’ of autopsying the neighbor’s pets …
    or my ‘friends’, or their genius progenies, latest duck-lipped ‘selfie’ …

    the only places I post are on a baseball fan board … & this ‘subversive’ site!
    (I figure, that alone, is enough for 17 US ‘intelligence’ agencies) 😉

  7. Joined FB many years ago relating to a high school reunion. Good luck to anyone finding me by my profile picture. 🙂

    Only drop in occassionally to see pics. Never comment, like or post.

  8. FB is a valuable tool, you just need to learn how to use it. Most people have no clue how to manipulate the settings to make it so. Ignoring FB because you don’t like it or understand it is ignorance at its apex. Many right wing sights have no clue how to use it and have no presence there. iOTWr is a good example as they seem to be largely unknown to that world. Sunny has a good following, COTR does as well. Dianny has many followers that share her posts and agitprop. I see that iOTWr has had a huge increase according to ALEXA, and I am happy for them…but FB is the biggest social media outlet in the history of this planet…having a presence there is yuge and should not be so easily dismissed. Just sayin’….

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