Your Handy Guide: Who Supports Trump and Who Doesn’t? – IOTW Report

Your Handy Guide: Who Supports Trump and Who Doesn’t?

This was compiled by The Atlantic:

Reince Priebus: YEA

Rick Perry: YEA

Mike Huckabee: YEA

“You’re either on the team, or you’re not on the team.”

Bobby Jindal: YEA

“I think electing Donald Trump would be the second-worst thing we could do this November.”

George W. Bush: ABSTAIN (weak ass way of saying no)

George H.W. Bush: ABSTAIN (weak ass way of saying no)

Barbara Bush: NAY

“I mean, unbelievable. I don’t know how women can vote for someone who said what he said about Megyn Kelly, it’s terrible.”

Mitt Romney: NAY

“I wanted my grandkids to see that I simply couldn’t ignore what Mr. Trump was saying and doing, which revealed a character and temperament unfit for the leader of the free world.”

Bob Dole: YEA

Eric Cantor: YEA

John Boehner: YEA

Trent Lott: YEA

Ben Carson: YEA

Rick Santorum: YEA

After “a long heart-to-heart with Donald Trump” he is “100 percent” endorsing the nominee.



Herman Cain: YEA

Dick Cheney: YEA

Newt Gingrich: YEA

Jeb Bush: NAY

George P. Bush: YEA

“From Team Bush, it’s a bitter pill to swallow, but you know what? You get back up and you help the man that won, and you make sure that we stop Hillary Clinton.”

Chris Shays: NAY

A longtime moderate Republican U.S. representative from Connecticut who lost his seat in 2008, Shays has endorsed Hillary Clinton. He said he backs Clinton not reluctantly but with “strong conviction.”

Carly Fiorina: YEA

“We must have President Trump—we can’t have President Clinton.” She is reportedly considering a run for RNC chair.

Christine Todd Whitman: NAY

“A Hillary presidency promises more of the Obama failed policies, but she would at least walk into the oval office ready to govern.”

Michael Steele: NAY

Trump had “captured that racist underbelly, that frustration, that angry underbelly of American life and gave voice to that.”

Paul Ryan: YEA

Jason Chaffetz: YEA

Mia Love: NAY

Mitch McConnell: YEA

Ted Cruz: YEA

Jeff Sessions: YEA

Susan Collins: NAY

John McCain: NAY

Kelly Ayotte: NAY

Rand Paul: YEA

Lindsey Graham: NAY

Mark Kirk: NAY

Ben Sasse: NAY

Marco Rubio: SOFT YEA

Roy Blunt: YEA



Tom Cotton: YEA

Bob Corker: YEA

Orrin Hatch: YEA

Tim Scott: YEA

Jeff Flake: NAY

John Cornyn: YEA

Lisa Murkowski: NAY

John Thune: UNCLEAR

“Donald Trump should withdraw and Mike Pence should be our nominee effective immediately,” he tweeted.”

There are three words that ought to scare everyone in this room: President Hillary Clinton.”

Chris Christie: YEA

Paul LePage: YEA

John Kasich: NAY

Nikki Haley: YEA

Brian Sandoval: NAY

Scott Walker: YEA

Rick Snyder: ABSTAIN

Susana Martinez: NAY

Condoleezza Rice: NAY

Donald Rumsfeld: YEA

“I don’t believe Hillary Clinton is qualified to be President of the United States.”

Tom Ridge: NAY

Carlos Gutierrez: NAY

A businessman who served as commerce secretary of George W. Bush from 2005 to 2009, Gutierrez has joined a group of Republicans endorsing Hillary Clinton.

Paul Wolfowitz: NAY

He called Trump a security risk to the United States.

Ed Meese: YEA

Michael Chertoff: NAY

Bill Kristol: SOFT NAY

Leon Wolf: NAY
Wolf, the editor of RedState, has been a prominent Trump critic. He says he’s leaning toward voting for a Libertarian candidate. “I genuinely believe that Hillary Clinton would be a better President than Trump, and it’s not close.”

Ann Coulter: YEA

George Will: NAY

Charles Krauthammer: SOFT NAY


Sean Hannity: YEA

Matt Drudge: YEA

Sarah Palin: YEA

The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board: SOFT YEA

Joe Scarborough: UNDECIDED

Rush Limbaugh: SOFT YEA

Glenn Beck: NAY

Rupert Murdoch: YEA

Hugh Hewitt: YEA

Mark Levin: YEA

Dennis Prager: YEA

“We hold that defeating Hillary Clinton, the Democrats, and the Left is also a principle. And that it is the greater principle.”

Sheldon Adelson: YEA

Charles and David Koch: SOFT NAY

Peter Thiel: YEA

T. Boone Pickens: YEA

Meg Whitman: NAY

Jerry Falwell Jr.: YEA

Ralph Reed: YEA

James Dobson: YEA


50 Comments on Your Handy Guide: Who Supports Trump and Who Doesn’t?

  1. Rush has been a hard YEA to supporting whoever the GOP candidate would be over HRC. He doesn’t ever endorse. No way has he ever been nevertrump or overtly critical like Levin.

  2. Flake and McCain… Mein Gott… I am so frickin’ ashamed of my state. I wanted to vote the shitpickles out of office but alas, the vets here are obsessed with those two shilling shysters. > >

  3. This is the no-toss up map based on the latest average of the polls (7:20 P.M.) at RCP. All we need are 3 more EC votes. Get out and vote people! Bring your friends, neighbors, family etc, especially if you live in CO, NM, NH, ME, NV, AZ, FL, NC, PA, GA, MI, IA, and OH! Did I miss any swing states? Please share to counter the MSM posting crap that shows Hiliary winning by a landslide when we all know it isn’t true, just an attempt to supress conservative voters!
    Go here to see for yourself!…/2016_elections_electoral…

  4. haha! I think this is the first time I can say this at IOTWR and mean it: Chris Shays who? I honestly have no idea who this chump is.

    Pray tonight at 9p. EST along with Billy Graham Jr. for the Trump campaign, for America, for all of us. There is a group prayer going on at that time.

  5. i have an opportunity to not vote for john thune tomorrow. I shall take advantage of that and leave my option blank. I live in such a red state, 80% of us could stay home and the democrat would still lose.

  6. BigGun, The massive crowds he’s getting cast doubt on the accuracy of these polls. You’re right though. If he doesn’t get in we are done. The “corrected” poll numbers that were in that link were arrived at by correcting the percentages of certain categories. The adjustments they made were less than 5%. We will certainly see more voter fraud than that. So the question is how do we take it back?

  7. Dumb cunt with Dumb Cunt Statement Award Winner:

    Meg Whitman: NAY

    “I will vote for Hillary, I will talk to my Republican friends about helping her, and I will donate to her campaign and try to raise money for her,” she told The New York Times.

  8. Brian Sandoval: NAY

    — Oh big surprise from the governmor of NV. RINO piece of shit! The only reason he won was because Rory Reid (harry’s kid) ran against him.
    As for the rest of the NAYS, If I had a dick, this is where I would tell them to suck it.
    We already heard them say the Bushs were voting hillary, their BFF.
    And as for the Quaker Oats mama Bush- Where were YOU when Sarah Palin was getting trashed? Oh that’s right, you were trashing her too. Fuck off, hag.

  9. I just heard from a family member that in MN, people were stopped on the highway, getting out of their cars and going towards Trump’s plane to go cheer him on.

    THAT right there is why hillary isn’t “50 points ahead!”. HA!

  10. It’s a good list to keep handy. Might I suggest perusing your local electorate to see who is where on whatever issue is near and dear to you?

    On a tangent, I’m watching Trump’s appearance in NH right now. Once in a while the feed stutters (fb), and I forget that clicking the screen doesn’t advance it. That only flips me over to preezy, wherever he is, droning on to some hapless idiots on behalf of Hillary.

    Trump views on this feed alone is 132K. The other guy’s? 11K.

  11. Loco, Purina Dog shit, born and raised on a Wyoming ranch. Married some old fucker. Has a dog. I’m thinking her life didn’t quite turn out the way she’s hoped. So now she hates everyone. The bitch has some strange ideas about what a Patriot is.

  12. Joe said yea from day one and am proud of it.
    Fuck Hillary, that slimy corrupt hag.
    And all the NeverTrumper enablers.
    – Especially Romney, McCain and the Bush family. They all were nominated by US, and now they turn their backs on us. Double fuck them.

  13. Bill Bryant, candidate for WA guv, said he isn’t voting for Trump. I called his office a few months ago and told his staffer I wasn’t voting for him (I will, I can’t not vote for him). What a fool.

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