Your Women’s Health App May Tell Facebook When You Last Had Sex – IOTW Report

Your Women’s Health App May Tell Facebook When You Last Had Sex


A number of popular period-tracking apps were discovered to be sharing sensitive user data with Facebook — even details on when a user last had sex.

Business Insider reports that a recent investigation by Privacy International discovered that various period-tracking apps that have millions of downloads have been sharing sensitive and detailed user data with Facebook and other third-parties. Two of the biggest offending apps, Maya and MIA Fem, revealed to Facebook when its users last had sex.

Following the report from Privacy International, Maya told the group that it would be removing the Facebook Software Development Kit (SDK) that allowed the data sharing to take place. A Facebook spokesperson told Business Insider that the social media sites terms of service“prohibit developers from sending us sensitive health information and we enforce against them when we learn they are.”

The information shared with Facebook included users’ drinking habits, medical issues, and when they last had sex. Maya has over five million downloads while MIA Fem boasts one million and both used the Facebook SDK to allow users to log in via Facebook and help the apps manage their data. Business Insider compiled a list of the data that both apps passed on which can be seen below:

Here is the data that Maya passed on:

  • If users reported symptoms such as cramps or breast tenderness.
  • Whether they were on contraception, e.g. the pill.
  • Moods e.g. whether they were feeling “sexy” or “anxious.”
  • When users last had sex, and whether they used protection.

Here is the data that MIA Fem passed on:

  • Whether users were using the app as a regular period-tracker, or as a fertility-tracker because they were trying to get pregnant.
  • The date of users’ last period and the duration of the cycle.
  • Whether users have been drinking coffee and alcohol.
  • What feminine hygiene products users were using.
  • Medical symptoms e.g. constipation and diarrhea.

Eva Blum-Dumontet, who led the investigation, told Business Insider that even people without Facebook accounts could see their information sent to Facebook. “Regardless of whether you’re a user or not Facebook gets this information, and it’s tied to your unique advertisement ID so it’s really tied to your identity,” Blum-Dumontet stated. “On some of the apps we’ve looked at it’s tied to your email address, so they can really trace you regardless of whether you have an account or not.” more here

SNIP: Paper, Calendar, Pen, Basic Math<— You control the input and they don’t snitch on you.

16 Comments on Your Women’s Health App May Tell Facebook When You Last Had Sex

  1. smfh! … why in the world would people actually have the need to post this information to the world is a puzzlement to me. do they really believe that posting every bodily function that happens to them every waking moment is somehow important to the rest of us? … it is, only to those that would exploit it … for a profit

    gad, we are such suckers sheep

  2. This information could save an innocent life. Ol’ JD has come across humans of the female persuasion who got plumb meaner than rat shit if they were not getting laid.

    They were not unlike like a mare in heat, something best to stay the hell away from until they had gotten the itch scratched.

  3. Except they probably didn’t realize the App publisher was harvesting such personal information… It’s an App to track a woman’s period. The phone/tablet has a 4G cellular data connection, augmented by WiFi, a GPS chip slaved to numerous reference atomic clocks, and runs some variant of Linux/BSD and by extension Dr. Mills “network time protocol” ala Ntpd, giving it reliable sub-millisecond time data. But here’s the thing… There’s no reason for any of that data to even leave the phone/tablet. That’s where the deception is. A VIC-20 from 1982 could run this App… Biology has no use for 35+ years of engineering improvements here…

  4. I wonder if women actually like getting advertisements mysteriously tailored to their needs based on “the time of the month?” The impact of the female menstrual cycle on their mood has been well-studied. This can’t be an accident by the big-data, corporate marketing monsters like Facebook and Google. And it makes you wonder what other app’s are participating in such manipulative crap.

  5. Social Networks such as Facebook are by design meant for narcissists. “This is what I did today, see how amazing I am?” “My life is so amazing, don’t you wish you were me?”

    Those networks are for narcissistic sheeple, and they shouldn’t be surprised OR outraged/upset when the smallest or most personal/private details of their lives come under scrutiny by said networks.

    I am not now, nor will I EVER be on ANY Social Network. My life is my own business, and I’m going to keep it that way.

  6. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ – True, but in many cases, the info being gathered can be limited depending on what sites you visit, what browser you use, etc. My point is that anyone who intentionally joins a social media website is volunteering their information to be gathered because they intentionally putting other personal information out there. They therefore have no right to complain.

  7. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 AT 11:01 PM

    smfh! … why in the world would people actually have the need to post this information to the world

    My understanding of this is that they are not willfully sharing it with the world.

    It’s a matter of using Facebook at all. The app is what automatically shared it. Apparently unknowingly by the user.

    Why people use an app at all for these things, is what I question. I’m going with – people are too lazy to do things themselves and like the idea of streamlining their lives.

    This is also why people will get implanted with Satan’s RFID – so they can just swipe their hand and pay for things or gain entry someplace.


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