You’re Fired – IOTW Report

You’re Fired

U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara refuses to resign, is fired


Preet Bharara, the powerful U.S. attorney in New York, said he was fired Saturday after he refused to resign along with 45 other U.S. attorneys appointed by the Obama administration, but asked to leave by President Donald Trump.

Bharara carved out a reputation as the no-nonsesne sheriff of the frequently ethically compromised New York political machine after he aggressively pursued top Republicans and Democrats in the Legislature. Bharara secured corruption convictions against former state Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, a Democrat, and state Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, a Republican. His office was also close to trial for a former aide to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo accused of bid-rigging and bribery and was investigating the fundraising activities of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio at the time of his dismissal.

24 Comments on You’re Fired

  1. I absolutely love that Trump isn’t taking shit from these douchebags.

    Do yourselves a favor and resign. Better for your resume to resign than be fired, but rest assured that you’re leaving.

  2. He’ll land a huge paying job with some NY Law firm and I’ll bet it’s a liberal Democrat firm as well.

    Maybe he’ll be defending the Clintons, lord knows he looked the other way on their corruption and illegal activity.

  3. From

    MARCH 11, 2017
    U.S. ATTORNEY PREET BHARARA REFUSES TO RESIGN, Trump fires him. As Nick Gillespie comments: “As Katherine Mangu-Ward noted last fall, it’s true that the Trump administration asked Bharara to stay on for a while. But that was then and this is now. And there’s something truly disturbing about a DOJ appointee who refuses to take a powder when asked, especially when there’s no larger question about executive-power overreach. What is it that Barack Obama used to say? ‘Elections have consequences.’ Presidents get to staff this level of service the way they want to. I don’t expect Donald Trump to be a champion of free speech, but removing Bharara from office is a small step in that direction.”

    Here’s what I wrote back when Bharara subpoenaed Reason for its commenters’ names, and then put them under a gag order: “I continue to think that this is a case of U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara doing one (or both) of two things: (1) Attempting a sort of brushback pitch regarding people talking smack about federal judges, to the effect of saying that we can’t punish you under the First Amendment but we’ll go after you anyway; and/or (2) doing a ‘favor’ for a judge before whom he has a lot of cases. Both seem like abuses of power to me.”

    Likewise, Bharara’s grandstanding here is basically an effort to ingratiate himself with anti-Trump Democrats on the way out, presumably in the expectation of reaping political or professional rewards. It is, thus, a species of corruption, and deserves to be called such

  4. Five months ago he probably dreamed of Hillary appointing him to SCOTUS just to keep him out of her greasy hair while she gorged on pelf and vodka. Maybe Evan McMullin will appoint him AG in the shadow cabinet.

  5. Hey Preet, don’t take it too hard, lots of people get fired. Hell, I’ve been fired a few times and look me…..OK, maybe that isn’t such a good example, but you know what I’m trying to say.

  6. This strikes me as grandstanding coming from a political appointee who knew he was going to be asked for his resignation and decided to get a few headlines first and maybe protect himself from questions as to why the investigation into the Clinton Foundation seemed to be going nowhere. I hope his replacement gets named and approved quickly and that they dig into the Foundation asap.

  7. Dianny – From reading some of the comments in that article I’d say the jackoffs that think Dinesh D’Souza should still be in prison for committing “Federal Crimes” are probably the same addle-brain-washed, douchebags who think putting Nakoula Basseley Nakoula in prison for making the video that “caused Benghazi” was justified too!!

  8. and from May 2009 …. during the beginning of the Obola Regime

    “…from Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) “Many jurisdictions are waiting desperately to see what is going to be done. As we understand it, the protocol has been that U.S. Attorneys would hand in their resignations and would give the new administration an opportunity to make new appointments, we don’t see that happening quite fast enough,”

  9. Political appointees serve at the appointer’s pleasure. Even without any change in management. So there is a new boss. And he happenes to be from the “other team.” Nobody is shocked at what comes next. Surprisingly (compared to most appointees) Bharara was asked to stay on, for a while. That, alone, should have opened a few plush doors when he finally left. Instead he wants to publicly refuse to leave (courteously). That always looks bad (to future managers thinking of hiring you). So why do it? Is the Obama administration’s prosecutor in New York trying to bring a case to trial, before the Trump administration can decide “there was no ‘intent'” and kill it (evidence publicly unseen). Is the Obama administration’s prosecutor in New York trying to kill a case, before the Trump administration can decide “let’s try this” (publicly revealing evidence some would rather remain unseen). Or is Bharara just a petulant “child”?

  10. UPDATE: The political winds of change happen all the time. If douchebag minority leader Chuck Schumer doesn’t want to give an inch on anything, then your precious legal buddy in New York is out of a job.

    That’s the STICK in the carrot and stick system of Trump. He got the stick. –Shoulda worked for the carrot.

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