YouTube Banned a Content Producer Who Warned of the Danger of YouTube’s Targeted Banning – IOTW Report

YouTube Banned a Content Producer Who Warned of the Danger of YouTube’s Targeted Banning

Black Pigeon Speaks was reinstated on YouTube after a huge backlash. Watching this video one can only think of this graphic–>ย 

The irony of him being banned after producing this particular video is pretty thick.

ht/ jd hasty

5 Comments on YouTube Banned a Content Producer Who Warned of the Danger of YouTube’s Targeted Banning

  1. They will find another excuse to delete his account. He has been a major thorn in the side of SJW’s, so they lispy people of Vox and MMFA will find a way to go after him.

  2. It’s human nature that when an entity or entities are being silenced the more curiosity it garners and the more people are drawn to listen. The more strident the effort to silence the more attention it gains.
    Those forcing silence are self defeating although unfortunately it’s a slow process.

  3. When the people in charge of these decisions are confronted and asked to explain themselves they deliver the same tired excuses about fairness and blocking gratuitous attacks on the innocent.
    These frauds are too cowardly to come to terms with their own bias. I wish they’d be bombarded with a plague of constant hacks that’d put a major hit on their income flow.

  4. huron JUNE 15, 2019 AT 2:20 AM
    “He is Canadian. Very dangerous”

    …then I’m surprised that YouTube hasn’t had Trudeau put him in jail to shut him up, pretty sure Justin would be all in on that…


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