‘You’ve Departed Science’- Tucker Battles Activist Over ‘Bomb Cyclone’ and Global Warming – IOTW Report

‘You’ve Departed Science’- Tucker Battles Activist Over ‘Bomb Cyclone’ and Global Warming

FOX: Tucker Carlson debated an environmental activist over the contention that the frigid “bomb cyclone” afflicting the East Coast is a product of global warming.

Carlson asked Josh Fox why climate change proponents believe the meteorological event could be caused by global warming.

He told Fox that in the past, routinely cold weather was said to be a product of global warming, but then record heat was considered such, too.

Fox said climate change “increases extreme weather events,” pointing to the “bomb cyclone” and the string of Gulf hurricanes in 2017.

Carlson clarified his question, asking why people should believe one minute that global warming is to blame for hot weather and then later be blamed for a cold snap.

Fox responded other than North America, the rest of the globe is experiencing warming and that he “doesn’t want people’s children in harm’s way.”

Carlson reiterated his question about the changing narrative, after Fox began to invoke the name of Defense Secretary James Mattis.

“What you’re doing is calling attention to your own moral virtue,” he said. “You’ve departed science. I’ve asked you specific questions.”

Carlson said global warming proponents “always go to ‘I’m a good person’ [and] ‘I care.'”

16 Comments on ‘You’ve Departed Science’- Tucker Battles Activist Over ‘Bomb Cyclone’ and Global Warming

  1. I’ve been around awhile and being a life long “motorcycle enthusiast”, weather has always held a certain interest with me. Besides having learned more by rote and bone than most of these so called meteorologists and global warming experts, I find it curious… this nomenclature they keep pulling out of their asses; polar vortex, bomb cyclone, etc. All apparently in an effort to confuse, scare and amaze .
    I think they are really just bovine scatologists.

  2. Dominate the argument with non-stop nonsense so that no rational discussion can take place. Then virtue signal. Finally accuse the other of being ignorant or non-caring.
    He spent the entire time in St. Thomas doing NOTHING to help the poor people there.

  3. The proper use and wear of a pork pie hat has been lost to the millennial faggot man child….My buddy ‘Geno’ would also school him on how to properly put a nightcrawler on a hook….

  4. Tucker needs a hand held Cut Switch on these asshole’s microphones.
    They get two shots at answering, then he holds down the button and scolds them. then lets it up to see if they can behave. When they inevitably cannot, he can hold it down some more and ridicule them.

  5. What a smirky Ass !
    I recently read of an exploration in the sixteenth century that had to have been in what we Call Antarctica now, the Journal tells of the Great green mountains and sparkling blue Lakes.
    It was not Frozen !!!

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