Zelensky now ruling under martial law after suspending elections until after war – IOTW Report

Zelensky now ruling under martial law after suspending elections until after war

Human Events:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is now ruling under martial law after his official 5-year term expired yesterday. Had the war with Russia come to an end, elections would have been held, according to the BBC

Zelensky had last year warned that elections would not be held until the war with Russia was over, however made statements in August that Ukraine would hold elections if the US and Europe funded them despite the country being under martial law. He then decided in November that it was “not the right time for elections.”  more

18 Comments on Zelensky now ruling under martial law after suspending elections until after war

  1. Politics 101 – democracies were intened to be destroyed and morphed into dictatorships. That’s why we have a Republic to keep disingenuous politicians limited in what they can do by the Constitution.


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