Steyn online
The Beltway rumour is that, on his flight to DC, Zelenskyyyy was telephoned by Victoria Nuland, She-Wolf of the Donbass, plus Susan Rice and Anthony Blinken and advised to get tough with Trump. If true, that’s gotta be the worst episode of “Phone-a-Friend” since the plucky little Ukrainian started playing Who Wants to Be a Billionaire (in Euros)? For all you nuanced diplomatists out there, there is now a rather arcane dispute as to whether Z called the Vice President of the United States a “bitch” or merely interjected “f**king hell More
There’s talk today of invoking the Logan Act on these jerkoffs if this story is true.
Whud they call it…
Preparation Z or Preparation H?
These *naziesque whores always call themselves a variation of “new land.”
* also, see Canada.
I read yesterday that he had a sit down with Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, and Adam Shithead among others. All telling him the same thing. We’ll make sure you get money and Trumps a pussy go straight at him. It’s also being reported he called Vance a dick.
There’s a lot of libtards currently trying to spin Trump’s “Your risking world war III” as a threat to start WWIII. It’s amazing.
Still the best dwarf toss ever seen in history when he was thrown from White House.
Logan Act? Please, no. If this is the result of the opposition’s finest minds’ advice, all I can do is repeat Napoleon Bonaparte or Sun Tzu or George Patton or whoever is supposed to have said it:
Ukraine is short on troops.
I suggest we send every single American that supports Ukraine to be conscripted to fight on the front lines.
MAGA quickly and forever.
I really don’t understand what Lindsey’s up to.
Is he pissed he got cut out of the mineral deal or
is he nervous that everybody now knows about his ‘WinRed’ smurfing scam? (which includes Tom Cotton)
@Anon — Too bad the toss was from the ground floor.
Also, Trump took a call from some high ranking U.N. military type who attempted to chew Trumps ass over yesterdays meeting and then ends the conversation DEMANDING a 25% increase in money and weapons from the United States. Fuck these clowns. The sooner Europe falls the better for everyone. Especially European citizens.
Putin got a second wave of NoKos recently to fight Ukraine.
Makes me wonder if the first wave defected as soon as they got there. LOL.
Lindsey is a duplicitous little prick who wants to be on every side, depending on who’s winning.Why South Carolina keeps re-electing this little turd is beyond me.
No one -anywhere I’ve seen- mentions the 0bama-deep state-Biden nexus throwing a color revolution and getting the wrong puppet elected, then shitcanning Yanukovich for the cocaine comedian with the piano playing mini penis and so pushing NATO to Russia’s doorstep with a big EFF YOU to the eastern Ukrainian oblasts and Russian concerns. NATO and the US are the aggressors in this military conflict and have been since approximately 2010. Remember Boris Johnson blowing up the peace deal? This is all gaslighting at this point.
I’ve been reading other accounts of this. It sounds like someone has a recording of the phone call. Probably Gabbard. This is a line in the sand moment in my mind. These people need to be prosecuted. It has to happen or it will just continue. Pam Blondi better get off her cute little ass and get to work on this.
Zelensky is a money launderer posing as a president of a nation.
I feel for Ukrainians fighting so gallantly and dying (so needlessly) for their country.
This war was started by Obama/Biden/Schiff/Nuland/GOPe/swamp, using Russia as a fall guy (again). Zelensky has been the bag man, getting very rich in the process.
fk the un/usual negros. & from ahnuld s. in the predator: “ur one ugly mother******…
As usual, obloweme (Bath House Barry) is nowhere to be found. Nothing is so deafening as his silence. Now would be a very good time for Heels Up Harris’ famous Venn diagram.
The line-up of bad actors in this drama are straight out of Central Casting for film noir. Lindsay Graham’s body double is that guy of indeterminate nationality who spoke with a lisp. He usually was the sidekick to the mastermind, and always got plugged or swept up in a raid.