Arpaio Pardon Finalized By Reluctant Federal Judge – IOTW Report

Arpaio Pardon Finalized By Reluctant Federal Judge


A federal judge reluctantly upheld the presidential pardon of former Sheriff Joe Arpaio Wednesday, saying that Arpaio was “escaping punishment for willful violation” of a court order.

President Donald Trump pardoned Arpaio, 85, in August, and U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton said Wednesday that she had no choice but to vacate his sentence and dismiss the guilty verdict with prejudice, meaning it can never be brought against Arpaio again, The Arizona Republic reported. Bolton was the judge that convicted Arpaio of criminal contempt in July and had previously considered vacating Arpaio’s sentence while still keeping the conviction on his record.

“I’m happy the conviction was dismissed, especially since I am not guilty, and I will be addressing that issue in the near future,” Arpaio said. “It took me 85 years to find my hero and it’s the president of the United States.”

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14 Comments on Arpaio Pardon Finalized By Reluctant Federal Judge

  1. Where are those assholes, Ryan and McConnell, to call out — by name(s) — all the people who are obstructing Trump’s judicial picks?! None of this crap is going to change until people start getting their names in the news. I mean, do you ever notice how NO ONE is ever quoted and sources are never NAMED?! It’s business as usual — they all protect each other and themselves.

  2. Since when are pardons open to judicial review? You mean all of Clinton’s and Obama’s pardons passed muster?

    I can understand McAuliffe’s pardons of all felons in Virginia being thrown out because he was pardoning a class of people rather than specific people, but other than that are pardons reviewed by a court?

  3. All the illegal immigrant rights groups in our state heads just exploded. It’s great!!!

    Our new sheriff is a pandering bastard, closed down tent city and will predictably be a one term guy.

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