Democrat IT Staffers on Intel Committee May Have Sold Classified Intel To Pakistan and Russia – IOTW Report

Democrat IT Staffers on Intel Committee May Have Sold Classified Intel To Pakistan and Russia

CT: The New York Post is reporting an evolution into the investigation of the indicted Awan family and colleagues who worked as Democrat staffers within the House Intelligence Committee and aides within the Super-Classified Congressional Intelligence Gang-of-Eight.  It’s jaw-dropping how much intelligence this crew would have access to.

In an alarming development the Post writes: “Investigators now suspect that sensitive US government data — possibly including classified information — could have been compromised and may have been sold to hostile foreign governments that could use it to blackmail members of Congress or even put their lives at risk.”  MORE

13 Comments on Democrat IT Staffers on Intel Committee May Have Sold Classified Intel To Pakistan and Russia

  1. When will these consequences take place? Right now the libs get away with everything, there are no consequences. Trey Gowdy, Darrell Issa, Jeff fuckin Sessions? I guarantee, give my wife 5 minutes and she will break these guys. I can’t get away with anything.

  2. 1,000 Times More Important The Than Russian Nothingburger !
    What Have The Lib’s Been Hiding, That’s Big Enough For Them To Keep The Russia Story Alive This Long ??? We’re Too Busy Covering Our Backsides , While They’re Burying Something ???

  3. organgrinder – you are correct. I knew people who worked at Loral back in the 90s who were telling me that then. This is Treason and that whole gang from Hillary, Huma and her Weiner and all their IT cohorts and democRAT enablers should be treated as such!

  4. “Investigators now suspect that sensitive US government data — possibly including classified information — could have been compromised”

    they didn’t give a shit when it was hillary doing it.

  5. Shame there is no way to encrypt that classified stuff from end to end on the users devices.

    Oh wait! Yes there is!

    But nobody in government seems either to be aware of this or if aware wants to go to the ‘trouble’ to protect the stuff.

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