Dianne Feinstein Wants Investigation Into Lynch Interference On Clinton Email Investigation – IOTW Report

Dianne Feinstein Wants Investigation Into Lynch Interference On Clinton Email Investigation

Daily Caller: Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein called for the Senate Judiciary Committee to investigate former attorney general Loretta Lynch instructing James Comey to mislead the public about the Clinton email investigation.

Comey testified on Thursday that Lynch instructed him, without explanation, to call the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use a private email server as secretary of a state a “matter” instead of an investigation. Lynch’s request, Comey said, made him feel “queasy” as it appeared she was “looking to align the way we talked about our work with the way the political campaign was describing the same activity, which was inaccurate.”

“I would have a queasy feeling, too,” Feinstein admitted in a Sunday morning interview on CNN.

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18 Comments on Dianne Feinstein Wants Investigation Into Lynch Interference On Clinton Email Investigation

  1. Translation: “We need to investigate this, to ensure continuing obfuscating of the misdeeds of the entire obama administration.”

    Nothing kills an “investigation’ like a congressional investigation. STOP! Get back to your jobs of legislation.

  2. It’s called “interference.”
    Adding static to the stratosphere in the hopes of garbling any (and all) clear communications.
    Since the Demonrats haven’t hit on THE E.M.P. to destroy Trump they’re going to attempt to submerge his message in a cesspit of noise – hoping that loyalist Americans are too dumb to catch on (in accordance with their beliefs that most Americans are stupid and deplorable).

    Look for a rise in the level of noise and silly bullshit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. With everything muddied up now, Sessions recusing himself from any Russia stuff, Mueller as Special Counsel (or whatever they’re calling him), Yes! Let’s investigate Lynch, blah, blah, blah. Let’s have our friend, Mueller, investigate and find nothing untoward about Lynch giving cover to clinton.

    Feinstein didn’t just grow a conscience.

  4. Am I the only one who suspects congress is willing to investigate anything for the next 4 years to a) guarantee Trump does not get a 2nd term, and b) so they don’t have to work/legislate and pass laws?
    I also suspect the republicans prefer to lose both chambers in 2018, again so they can kick back, collect $$$ and power, and let the democrats pass their full agenda unimpeded.

  5. yes, lets investigate the cover up.

    but at the same time let’s investigate the actual crime !

    hillary and lynch both deserve jail time.
    frankenstein is going after a little fish to cover up for what the big fish ate.

  6. Since Hillary won’t go away on her own, and she’s tainted meat, Feinstein will see to it that Hillary is gone permanently. Like Republicans, Dems aren’t loyal to their “F” ups – Weiner is a good example.

  7. I’m not sure about the sincerity of the good senator. If investigators stepped into Lynch hard the Democrats had to worry that she’d break to get a deal. Lynch is high enough that she could have knowledge of an awful lot of Clinton/Obama/Democrat dealings that in turn could send a lot of well known people to jail. Feinstein is up to something and I’ll bet it doesn’t have anything to do with getting at the truth.

  8. @ scr_north JUNE 12, 2017 AT 11:39 AM I’m not sure about the sincerity of the good senator.
    The “good senator?” You’re much too lenient and kind, altho the rest is spot on.

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