Find a Direct Line From a Clinton Foundation Donation Resulting in a Policy Change Made By Hillary and Her White House Aspirations Are Over – IOTW Report

Find a Direct Line From a Clinton Foundation Donation Resulting in a Policy Change Made By Hillary and Her White House Aspirations Are Over

We have about a week. The directive has been issued. The Clinton Foundation scandal, as is, is enough for thinking Americans to eschew the Clintons, but the problem is there aren’t enough thinking Americans. (I include NeverTrump in the unthinking category. They are absolute morons.)

What is necessary in this scandal to make it blow wide open so that the media can’t ignore it, and will finally tell morons, that need to be told what to think, that this is a deal breaker?


This Morning Joe session percolates. It’s bubbling… it’s feeling like it can spill out of the pot and put out the Clinton flame. We’re so close.

What is necessary for the toxic level of Clinton sleaze to permeate through the thickish skulls of the everyday voter who think these two people are wonderful and fantastic?

17 Comments on Find a Direct Line From a Clinton Foundation Donation Resulting in a Policy Change Made By Hillary and Her White House Aspirations Are Over

  1. Every time I see a new Wikileaks dump I wonder if your average voter is aware of the incriminating information, who she is, how her campaign thinks and acts. Then I see something like the below link and it gives me some hope that some of it is getting out via social media. The truth about how HRC and the Dems really view people. No wonder she needed a multi-million dollar 2 years focus group to figure out how to present herself publicly – her real self is abhorrent.

  2. “Find a Direct Line From a Clinton Foundation Donation Resulting in a Policy Change Made By Hillary and Her White House Aspirations Are Over”

    Uh huh.

    Excuse me while I add this possibility to the long list of the other past revelations that, having been made, were supposed to result in Hillary’s White House aspirations being over.

    I’ll be right back.

    (sound of flushing)

  3. @Vietvet October 27, 2016 at 3:39 pm

    > Excuse me while I add this possibility to the long list of the other past revelations that, having been made, were supposed to result in Hillary’s White House aspirations being over.

    While I agree, hole(sic)heartedly, there is the issue of making the record before the case is closed. Even if only for the hope of appeals being heard.

  4. Anony “No wonder she needed a multi-million dollar 2 years focus group to figure out how to present herself publicly – her real self is abhorrent.”

    Took 2 years because to she has to close one eye to focus.

    /not original. Think I saw it at the Treehouse, maybe Truth Revolt.

  5. Too late. It’s already in the bag, I mean the bag (lady) is already in. According to the MSM. And pollsters.
    I so want Hillary to lose big time on the 8th, then kick the bucket on the 9th. Story over, fini.

  6. I’m thinking that the really damaging stuff is being withheld until after the election to mortally wound the Second Clinton Administration. Otherwise, it would already be disclosed by now. The Russians and the Chicoms don’t have to blackmail the Clintons to get what they want, they will be able to paralyze the Clinton Administration with a succession of scandals that will keep the country in an internecine war for four years. She wouldn’t have destroyed the emails if they didn’t incriminate her and her husband. This reminds me of Nixon’s reelection with Watergate hanging over the country.

  7. I am assuming that to be true. I believe that they are just like Sasquatch and intelligent Democrats; they are out there somewhere. I also believe that if Assange had the missing yoga and wedding emails, that he would have produced them by now. He wants to alter the course of history in his own way, and how better than releasing them before the election. Everything that I’ve read seems to indicate that she was hacked by someone sophisticated like the Russians or the Chicoms.

  8. @Burner October 27, 2016 at 4:23 pm

    > I so want Hillary to lose big time on the 8th, then kick the bucket on the 9th.

    Democratic progress would be better served if she died on the 7th, then won in a landslide on the 8th.

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