GAB – The Conservative Alternative To Twitter – IOTW Report

GAB – The Conservative Alternative To Twitter

Gee, maybe I should start a site that scrapes Gab content. I’ll call it Gabby.

“Gab is a people first social network. Anyone who is searching for a space to communicate freely online is welcome. While we certainly expect conservatives to be among some of the first users of Gab, we aren’t out to build an echo-chamber. We welcome and embrace open, honest, and authentic discourse. We believe that self-censorship is the only valid form of censorship that exists. Free speech is quickly evaporating online driven by an era of corporate-sponsored, politically manipulated, and ever-changing algorithms that influence our perception of the world. New media is rising, and Gab plans to lead the way.”
HT/ Czar of Defenestration

10 Comments on GAB – The Conservative Alternative To Twitter

  1. Cool! Twitter has gotten so junked up with ads, movies and pic that it’s hard to read-and that was the whole point of Twitter. 140 characters , be witty or informative, next, tweet again.

  2. Just came to new home. Today I was kicked off of Twit because I had the guts to say something nice about hair smelling Joe.m No, not voting Demorat, but just like the guy. Twit, from the Stalinist Left, did not like my defense of Joe. So I was banned, sort of. They said I can rejoin if I provided my phone number for all or anyone to respond. This is balognia. It is intimidation plane and simple. I did not fall for the ploy. So there I looked for a new home to exercise my free speech right. And hopefully my civil rights will not be compromised. I love bashing Stalinists. Be prepared for wit and exposure. New nom de guerre, Gort


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