Hillary’s Emails- Why was she researching the drug Provigil? – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Emails- Why was she researching the drug Provigil?

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It’s used for Parkinson’s disease, among other ailments.


ht/ just the tip

7 Comments on Hillary’s Emails- Why was she researching the drug Provigil?

  1. This drug (under name Modafinil) is popular with millennials claiming it helps focus their minds. Many kids are used to Adderall, having been diagnosed as ADHD whether they are or not. Adderall and Modafinil seem to have the same benefits but only psychiatrists can prescribe Adderall in many (all?) states where regular doctors can prescribe Modafinil.

    Mike Cernovich takes it and has written of its benefits. I’ve been considering giving it a try to help me remember what I was after when I went into a room. http://www.dangerandplay.com/2014/01/06/provigil-modafinil-better-work-better-workout-better-fat/

  2. Assange has hacked many medical records so we’ll have to see if Killary’s files are an October surprise.
    Interesting that an unidentified man tried to break into the Ecuadorian embassy where Assange is staying. Apparently the guy scaled the fencing before he was spotted and got away. One of Killary’s hit squad?

  3. Honestly, nothing would make me happier than to see her suffer from MS.

    MS destroys the body while the mind stays 100%. Truly a living hell. I’ve lost friends to this disease. A victim of the disease is forced to live through themselves slowly withering away, unable to talk, eat, wipe their own ass, and suffer from numerous other physical embarrassments and humiliations.

    For Hillary, it would be poetic justice – the best kind.

    Sorry, but I do NOT pray for evil people’s forgiveness. If God sees fit to forgive Hillary’s that’s God’s business.

    Hillary, of course, would have to stoop to asking God for such forgiveness. (eye roll)

    Enough said about that.

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