Muslim Gets His Ass Beat For Threatening Prisoner Who Wouldn’t Convert – IOTW Report

Muslim Gets His Ass Beat For Threatening Prisoner Who Wouldn’t Convert

Paolo Giancaterino, the lawyer representing one of the prisoners, said Larmond had tried to convert his client to Islam on several occasions and threatened to kill him when he resisted. “It first started with some friendly requests for him to convert to Islam and be a soldier of Islam, and my client was having none of it,” Giancaterino said. “It escalated to the point where threats were starting to be made that my client would be killed in his cell if he didn’t convert. That was followed up by another threat that my client’s family would be killed by someone on the outside if he didn’t convert.”


ht/ Unruly Refugee

25 Comments on Muslim Gets His Ass Beat For Threatening Prisoner Who Wouldn’t Convert

  1. Ahh now, That is a fine aperitif
    I would have grappled and choked him out whispering my name in his ear as the white noise starts before the big sleep.
    I want that bitch to remember my name so he can find me in Valhalla and fetch my ale.

  2. The best part of this video: We are ALL going to get a chance to confront Islam in the near future.

    By the time I’m finished with my punk, HE’LL be the one converting to Christianity.

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