Proud to be an Extremist – IOTW Report

Proud to be an Extremist

Guest post by -John Velisek USN (Ret.)

In the progressive mind, it is the right-wing, notably the Tea Party, that is “extremist.”

Conservatives are labeled as fascist homophobes, and deranged Christians carrying out a “war on women,” and, according to Debbie Wasserman Shultz, they want to kick all women out of the country.

How can anyone with a rational mind seriously believe this?

Where are the rational arguments, other than name-calling and weirdo hyperbole? Simply declaring that the viewpoint the progressives hold is the only valid one is not a winning argument.

The motive for shutting down the conservative side of any argument is because progressive/socialist arguments cannot be won on its merits. The dead citizens of the socialist empires, close to 100 million, is testament that socialism fails to adequately replace an ideology based on virtue, morality, and individual freedoms.

Let’s take a look at what passes for “extremism” today from a progressive/socialist viewpoint. In 2013, the US Army Reserve Equal Opportunity training manual listed evangelical Christians as the number one extremist threat, more dangerous than Al Qaeda and Hamas, both listed lower.

Veterans officials have tried to order volunteers at military funerals to stop saying “God Bless You” to family members and even went so far to have it removed from condolence cards.

Even in the active duty forces, military personnel have been ordered not to discuss the faith they follow or share the gospel in any way.

We have the Council on American Islamic Relations Executive director, Faizan Syed, declaring that the “rightwing extremists” are the biggest threat to the nation. In the mind of Syed, the attacks that have occurred in this country are just jihad, and not terrorism. He goes on to cite an odd statistic, claiming that the chances of an Islamic attack are one in a million, choosing to ignore the fact that there have been over 26,000 Islamic attacks since 9/11. This is hidden from the public by this administration, a white-washer of Islamic terror.

I know I’m considered an extremist by this administration, as would any conservative who attempts to speak out. If fighting against the Islamization of our schools, where Common Core spends more time on Islam than Christianity, makes me a extremist, then fine.

If not supporting the Strong Cities Network, another invasion on our sovereign rights by the United Nations, makes me an extremist, then fine.

If expecting the laws to be uniformly enforced for both government employees and citizens is “extremist,” than I suppose I am.

I don’t think I’m the only citizen who is angry about Hillary getting away with totally demolishing out national security, or Lois Lerner basking in her taxpayer retirement and not in jail, or our President looking to sweep the Bowe Bergdahl desertion under the rug.

Bergdahl caused serious injury and death to his brothers in arms. As a former veteran I feel that life in prison would be a good start, firing squad even better. But it will be all forgotten soon as the media will not cover much about it, and the Congress will turn the other way. After all, it should be embarrassing to Obama that he once again lied to the American People. I have given up on both parties who only seem to give our President what he wants to get along. Time to get along is long gone. We need a principled, conservative way back from the hell this President has caused. If that makes me “extreme”, then label me as such.

TIME magazine wrote of the growing threat to law enforcement in September 2010. What is surprising is that TIME stated that the threat would come from “Right Wing Extremists” and militias. A TIME contributing Editor at Large Barton Gellman even went so far as to say these groups” have a dangerous ideology which includes patriotism and a strong belief in the Second Amendment”. In his column, Gellman makes no mention of Black Nationalists, Marxists, prison gangs, or communists. These groups and entities, like the Soros Backed Black Lives Matter, and Islam terrorists who have worked with those groups since Ferguson will never be discussed in TIME or any other progressive magazines or sites because they do not fit the “conservative as extremists” narrative. By progressive standards, if you see this as a challenge to what this country was founded upon you are an extremist.

If you find fault with a UN that claims “conservative and extremists resistance” needs to be confronted in the gender equality of the world, but Islam is never mentioned, you may be an extremist.

If you feel that the Christians being slaughtered by ISIS in the Middle East should receive amnesty, and not be deported back to the Middle East, to face certain death, is a travesty, while Islamic terrorists are being brought into the country by the thousands is wrong, you may be a conservative extremist.

Now that illegals are being welcomed into our country, being given social security cards, driver’s licenses, and soon, the right to vote, and if you feel a challenge to all the unconstitutional gerrymandering should be put through Congress, you are very much a conservative extremist.

If you still want to know what happened at Benghazi, you are definitely a conservative extremist.

If you feel that Obama, through his pen and phone, is doing his best to use the Cloward-Piven strategy to destroy our country, to turn this country into a third world banana republic and put the citizens of this country in serious danger, then you most definitely are a conservative extremist.

So let people like Congressman Van Hollen call us “tea party Extremists,” and then state that the departure of Boehner will make it even more difficult to pass funding.

Harry Reid calls conservatives “anarchists” because they want to rein in spending.

Joe Biden, perhaps running for President, calls the Tea Party “a bunch of terrorists”.

Politico, a far left site, stated, “It has always been commonplace to call Tea Party members hostage takers, but they have now become full blown terrorists. Even the New York Times, a bastion of progressivism, got in on the action, writing that the Tea Party was waging “jihad” on the American People.

Low information voters will take this at face value, nodding their heads like good little children. They will firmly believe that if you want to save our children and grandchildren from insurmountable debt, if you dislike having the government control every aspect of your life, if you want to be able to stand up for your country and the principles it is founded upon, you are an extremist.

If believing in the greatness of this country makes you an extremist, count me in. I am proud to stand with my fellow citizens who see through all the name calling to let the elites know they will go no further. I am proud to be an extremists as are countless others who will not fail our country.

John Velisek USN (Ret.)

16 Comments on Proud to be an Extremist

  1. Do not forget that when Janet Napolitano was Secretary of Homeland Security, in the first few months of her term, she release a little treatise about how conservatives were evil terrorists. Their plan is working and yes, it IS a conspiracy.

    Eradicate the left.

  2. I’m done for. I even have a copy of Thomas Paine’s, “Common Sense.”

    I guess all of us that took or believe in the oath are extremists, yet proud to be in such esteemed company!

  3. “Then said he unto them, but now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” Luke 22:36

    Amen, brothers.

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