Shepard Smith chastises Jindal for saying “All Lives Matter” – IOTW Report

Shepard Smith chastises Jindal for saying “All Lives Matter”

Inquisitr—Shepard Smith may be a veteran reporter at Fox News with many professional accolades, but he certainly managed to upset a lot of people Sunday afternoon. Breitbart has the news.

“During a Sunday broadcast, Fox News anchor Shepard Smith scolded former Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal for daring to use the phrase ‘all lives matter.’ Smith slapped at Jindal and insisted the phrase is seen as a ‘derogatory’ and racist term.”

Breitbart notes that Jindal insisted that everybody’s lives mattered and that we have to come together to end the unnecessary bickering over whose life is or isn’t important.

Needless to say, the comments after the article universally condemn Shepard Smith.
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30 Comments on Shepard Smith chastises Jindal for saying “All Lives Matter”

  1. Boy, he pissed me off HUGELY…………….. I wanted to punch him right in the mouth. Everything Gov. Jindal was trying to say Shepard would interrupt and try to turn it around or mock him. It was despicable. I’ve seen shep do this before and he was wrong then too. Bring back Carlson and to hell with Shepard…………. glad somebody else saw that I thought maybe I was the only one

  2. As I said yesterday after listening to that exchange, BLM is a radical racist terrorist hate group. Who cares if they are insulted by the truism that All Lives Matter? Fuck’em.

    Shep. If ISIS told you that they found the term ISIS insulting would you also surrender to that radical terrorist hate group?

    Your man card was never earned so it cannot be revoked.

    Roger Ailes, fire Shepard Smith. That was the last straw.

  3. He is one of the reasons Fox stinks, and always has been. Even when I did watch Fox, his show was unwatchable.

    The set upgrade to look like an intergalactic control center with the oversized monitors made was laughable.

    Defending that hate group’s credo is neither fair nor balanced.

  4. “Blah, blah….grievances of black America”

    So ‘grievances’ like being a demographic that would be the world’s 12th largest economy if standing alone. Or having 2,3,4 maybe up to 9 children that you can’t pay for but some dopey white boy will pay for it. I guess that’s a call for grievance. Or the massive over-representation in media, arts, music, culture, sports and Hollywood……. Oh yeah….grievance. Even Compton is full of backyards, houses and well maintained roads and sidewalks…..grievance. Red carpet usher service to any University if you so much as do your homework in high school. Red carpet service to any job out there if you so much as post a 2.8 gpa at any non- competitive 3 red tier school, not that any professor would ever have the balls to give you an F….grievance. The world’s leading amount of free time thanks to all the handouts… Grievance.

    I am so sick of these whiners


    President Obama’s brief statement on the murder of Baton Rouge police officers was formulaic and annoyed (video below). When it comes to lamenting crimes against law enforcement, which he has done so much to foment and abet, Obama doesn’t have his heart in it. He prefers to lecture us on the alleged racism of the criminal justice system in the “inflammatory rhetoric” and “careless accusations” he purported to condemn. Even though Obama’s accusations are premediated rather than careless, this was a shocked-to-discover- gambling in Casblanca performance…

  6. I guess that is the ‘balanced’ part, because every time I watch that channel I see a liberal gettin’ his air time’
    He doesn’t bug me
    What bugs me is that nobody tells the interrupting liberals to shut up and let somebody else talk

  7. FOX is starting to cost me a fortune. Whenever I see one of these twatwaffles like “Sissy Shep” or their token wet back come on even MayGun McCain turns my stomach…I tell my wife to change the channel. SO, she puts it on QVC and we will end up buying something we don’t really need!

    FOX can’t fire Shepie, the queer mafia has his back.

  8. Social media, including Jindal, went off on Smith for his ridiculous comments. People threatened to call Fox News to complain. Our thoughts and prayers are with our law enforcement community after today s horrible shootings. All lives matter, plain and simple.

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