Southampton Asst Principal Lends House To Rapper To Shoot Ridiculously Decadent Video – IOTW Report

Southampton Asst Principal Lends House To Rapper To Shoot Ridiculously Decadent Video

The woman APPEARS in the video. She lends the house to a dude while her and the husband go away. When they leave they trash the house with whores and drugs.

She claims she didn’t know what the video was about, but she appears at the end with all the whores and the drugs. Her husband picks up contraband surrounded by Polaroids (POLAROIDS!!??!!) of the sex and drug activity.

Screen Shot 2015-09-20 at 3.21.08 PM

more pics after the jumpScreen Shot 2015-09-20 at 3.22.41 PM

I hate to see people lose their jobs, but she really should. This was a poor choice and not at all the right message for the kids. Schools should be fighting against this culture, not glamorizing it.

21 Comments on Southampton Asst Principal Lends House To Rapper To Shoot Ridiculously Decadent Video

  1. So many teachers are corrupt. And as the teacher unions protect the incompetent, these useless POS are eventually moved into administrative positions. This woman makes $125,000 year as an assistant principal in South Hampton, Long Island.

  2. Three words, ignorant dumb ass. Surely she should’ve had enough common sense to realize nothing good would come from this. Or is she just willfully blind because she wants to be hip and not called a racist. What do I have to do to make 125 K a yr.? It’s not worth selling my soul and integrity if that’s what it takes.

  3. My sources tell me she is banging several black skells (teens and 22 year old sophomore). And the husband is banging the same guys. He is a homopedo into young black boys.

    And of course they are Obama Hitlery supporters so I hope they both get arrested for rape and get sued and jailed.

  4. these two clowns aren’t telling the truth

    normal people go to great pains, to make it look like they’re home, when they’re not

    How does a rapper come to solicit a public school assistant principal, for ANY reason?

    How is it that a public school assistant principal would:

    A. have even been “approached by RAPPERS” and then
    B. was okay with letting them use their house while away

    this story doesn’t pass the smell test

  5. It’s very sad. But I don’t need to know this shit. Between the Miss America Contest and this bullshit, I’m no smarter than I ever was’

    “She lends the house to a dude while her (sic) and the husband go away. When they leave they (?) trash the house with whores and drugs.”

    What the fuck is going on here? Who is writing this shit? And why is it even important? IOTW jumped away from the muslim radio maker pretty fast. Very few comments. Just bitchen” I hate to waste time on nonsense.

  6. I watched the beginning and the end (I couldn’t take the mindlessness of the rest of it).
    This couple were completely in on it! The minute or so they were ‘on screen’ took hours of shooting, not to mention the lighting set up, camera angles, microphones etc.
    The whole video probably took 4-5 days to shoot.
    The whole “Owners rented out house and came back to a mess” is just the story-line for the video!
    Seeing as she and her husband were complicit, yes she should be fired!

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