Texas teacher arrested after video shows her hitting student – IOTW Report

Texas teacher arrested after video shows her hitting student

FOX: A Texas teacher was arrested after video surfaced appearing to show her hitting a student multiple times during a Friday morning high school math class.

hastings misdemeanor assault student slapping

Mary Hastings was charged with misdemeanor assault after the incident at Ozen High School, FOX4Beaumont reported. She was initially taken to the Jefferson County Jail, but was released after posting a $2,500 bond.

Hastings, described as a veteran teacher, has only been with the Beaumont Independent School District for three years. BISD is investigating the incident.

One student from Ozen High School, who asked to remain anonymous, told FOX4Beaumont that Hastings is typically a target of students who throw things and curse at the teacher.

“You know we only see 12 seconds of [the video],” the student said. “That’s all it is. It’s not the whole thing.”  more

18 Comments on Texas teacher arrested after video shows her hitting student

  1. probably well-deserved, schools have lost control

    i held the record for swats at my high school before corporal punishment was eliminated, and i deserved every one

    when i went to the vp (about 6’6″, all arms), i was given a choice of swats or having my parents come in and speak with the school

    had i chosen the latter, i would have suffered far harsher consequences from my dad than swats

    i was always pro-corporal punishment, even when i was the recipient

  2. I had a math teacher in 6th grade, I learned more in his class than any other.
    He had a ruler he knew how to use and a stool by the chalkboard.
    He never said anything when a kid got out of line. The ruler or dragged up to the stool by the ear without missing a beat on the lesson at hand.
    Thing is, all the kids liked him. Even the ones that were troublemakers in other classes.

  3. “The District is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our students,”

    How about the district commit to providing safe and secure environment for their teachers

  4. Our old lady teachers never had to resort to that kind of nonsense. If a plastic ruler rap across the knuckles didn’t solve the problem, they’d just call the gym teacher and he’d come and slap the pee-waddley shit out of you. Then dare you to go whining to your parents. They didn’t mess around in public middle school back then.


  5. (Sister Macalata, I forgive you for all those welts) I musta deserved them.

    Mrs. Hastings. Get out of it. Retire. These little dunces do not deserve your talent. They cannot learn, They never will. And your superiors are just the same, fucking dunces.

    I see a Mrs. Hastings “I fund you” coming

  6. If you want to continue to teach, leave the PC school system, and go into private tutoring. Choose your own students, choose your own hours. I’m sure there are both teens and parents who would be grateful.

  7. Putting her on admin leave with pay during the investigation? Yeehaw! Ride that horse as long as you can. Paid vacay, and don’t have to tolerate the shit students.

  8. Google that school district. It’s one of the most corrupt districts in the nation. The state seized control of the district and appointed an overseer to run it. Many of the “administrators” have been sent to prison and many more will be before it’s all over. Those kids are monsters and the ex-superintendent is one of Obama’s butt-buddies. He was the highest paid superintendent in Texas and he ran the place into the ground. All of the decent people got their kids out of that school district long ago.

  9. the only teachers who don’t want to wack the trouble makers are the teaches who aren’t or can’t teach anyway.

    I had a 90 year math teacher in high school. she drug a 6-6 student by the ear into our classroom one time for being disruptive outside our classroom while we were taking a test. he never struggled to get free or made a sound until she let him go at the end of class. now that’s discipline.

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