Think Of Christie What You Must, But He Exposed Marco Rubio As a Slick Robot Whose Programmed Answers Don’t Even Match the Friggin’ Questions – IOTW Report

Think Of Christie What You Must, But He Exposed Marco Rubio As a Slick Robot Whose Programmed Answers Don’t Even Match the Friggin’ Questions

Donald Douglas has the pertinent clip.

It’s a beaut.

27 Comments on Think Of Christie What You Must, But He Exposed Marco Rubio As a Slick Robot Whose Programmed Answers Don’t Even Match the Friggin’ Questions

  1. Although I’m very glad Chris Christie is not doing well in this race for other reasons, this is the kind of direct confrontation of a slick operator that gives us hope. Rubio lost that round, soundly.

  2. Remember the big Obama hug on the Tarmac? Same thing. Fat boy can’t figure out who’s side he’s on. And that’s fine. It worked out well for conservatives tonight.

  3. Most of politically informed America (about 5%) doesn’t like either one of these guys.

    Why is Christie even in this mess? For that matter, why is Marco, the balding alter boy in it either? Christie is anti-gun and Marco is a bigger panderer than Clinton. It’s all fake bullshit.

    At least Donald has brass balls and Cruz has some constitutional knowledge going for them. I know for a fact that Cruz is PRO gun…..which is what I find appealing. Trump has the business savvy which I also find appealing.

    Cruz and Trump could have shut all of the other “also ran’s” out if they would have just stuck to the issues and not let their egos get in the way, but NO.

    My fear is that the dipshit faction, (all of the Marxist college students), will coalesce around one of the commies and squeak-out another 4 years of Obama-esque Marxist hell within the former USA.

    These so called “republicans” need to quit fucking around with our lives and get on the stick and rudder, for crying out loud.

  4. Christie looked stunned when Rubio repeated his lines the second time. When he did it again Christie must have wondered when drugs just kicked in. For either of them. He wasn’t sure.

  5. Mr. Pinko: “And now the GOPe are back to the drawing board.”
    That’s exactly what I thought when it happened.
    Rubio is toast…not that he ever really had any traction.
    It was all hype and wishful thinking from the mouth-breathing media, but last night should be the coup de grâce.
    And Yeb is BEYOND toast.

    Go, Trump !!

  6. TO Norman
    Ya never know with !Jeb! and the GOPe.

    It could be that, now with Marco’s stumbles, the GOPe will accelerate the departure of the “add on” candidates (including Rubio), to leave !Jeb! in the spotlight…not that you or I would think he has a chance but, with the media as their SuperPAC….

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