Use PsyWar Principles to Stop Clinton and Biden – IOTW Report

Use PsyWar Principles to Stop Clinton and Biden

biden obama


“Intelligence in 21st Century America” by Joseph Cotto explains how Americans can elect an empty suit like Barack Obama, and come close to electing ones like Al Gore and John Kerry.  “It was found that most people rank below average.”  Intelligence apparently follows not a bell curve, but rather a skewed distribution in which the median (50th percentile of the population) is well below the mean or average.

Adolf Hitler was therefore right (as in “accurate” rather than “ethical,” “decent,” or “honorable”) when he said, “All propaganda has to be popular and has to adapt its spiritual level to the perception of the least intelligent of those towards whom it intends to direct itself.”  Joseph Goebbels added, “Arguments must therefore be crude, clear and forcible, and appeal to emotions and instincts, not the intellect. … Hatred and contempt must be directed at particular individuals.”

This kind of propaganda persuaded Germans to elect the Nazis to power, but it was not a Nazi invention.


10 Comments on Use PsyWar Principles to Stop Clinton and Biden

  1. Yeah that explains a lot……
    Like why the popular movies are about comic book characters, the Kardashian clan, rap “music”, Hillary, and of course Obama.

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