VA Accountability First Act Expedites Firing of Bad VA Employees – IOTW Report

VA Accountability First Act Expedites Firing of Bad VA Employees

Breitbart: Dan Caldwell, director of policy for Concerned Veterans of America, spoke with Breitbart News DailySiriusXM host Alex Marlow about veterans affairs on Thursday, including details in the new VA Accountability Bill.

Read the bill here.

Currently, “It can take up to two to three years to fire employees that have engaged in misconduct, including misconduct that led to the deaths of veterans who use the VA for their health care,” Caldwell told Marlow.

“For example,” he continued, “individuals responsible for the deadly wait list in Arizona where I’m from: it took seven hundred days to fire these individuals, and most of that time, they were on paid leave sitting at home.”  MORE

3 Comments on VA Accountability First Act Expedites Firing of Bad VA Employees

  1. It’s a late start. Firing alone is letting them off to easy. They should be personally sued for malpractice and not permitted to use taxpayer money to pay their fine. I’d be real happy to see jail time for some of them. These are the real people who rolled real people, veterans off the cliff.

  2. A few firings cannot change a culture.
    A few hangings might, but even that is tentative.

    The FedGov is thoroughly corrupt. THOROUGHLY. And that culture of corruption (not just in stealing, but the entire structure) is ingrained into every employee from its first day on the job until its last. Someone once observed that a telephone employee embedded (as in telephone maintenance) in a building for years, often became sort of an advocate for that company, fixing things without billing, for example – and something similar happens to deep-cover spies – they can become apologists for the country being spied upon.
    The same construct is true in the Federal Agencies. Regardless of integrity, or even “honor,” the employee finds itself sympathetic to the agency, and, on running across a miscreant with whom it must work, asks itself (in all fairness) “Where would so-and-so find work, if not HERE? What would happen to its spouse and chillens? They’d all starve to death.”
    And, thus, nothing is done. And those who try are deemed heartless and cruel.

    izlamo delenda est …

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