Watch Gowdy Get Comey To Admit That Hillary Lied Over and Over and Over and Over Again – IOTW Report

Watch Gowdy Get Comey To Admit That Hillary Lied Over and Over and Over and Over Again

Gowdy gets Comey to admit that Clinton had INTENT.

Spread this video around.

ht/ C. Steven Tucker

43 Comments on Watch Gowdy Get Comey To Admit That Hillary Lied Over and Over and Over and Over Again

  1. This is ridiculous.
    Someone needs to simply ask Comey what he was promised and what he is getting out of this because the “reasonable” world believes he is on the take.

    This is THE BIG LIE right before our eyes.

  2. Am I the only one watching this circus who has noticed how stupid the Democrats are that are asking questions of Comey. They are great examples of the term “Low Information Voters” sent to Congress by even lower information voters.

  3. Anyone else notice that CBS kept posting that subtitle “Comey: Hillary did not lie to the FBI”? WTH?? Is that done to continue to snow the low info voters since they likely don’t have the attention span to listen to Gowdy?? As far as the Snake Comey is concerned and how he let Hitlery off the hook, “threats, or promises?” No other explanation. Sort of like Justice Roberts rolling over for Obamacare. Spit, spit, SPIT!!!

  4. she’s a known liar.

    it hasn’t hurt her ambitions in the public arena so far has it?

    remember back when her husband told a lie to the American people on tv.

    his supporters all said, “it was a lie but it was lie about sex so it doesn’t count because everyone does it.”

    so here we are 20 years later and what are we talking about with the clintons?


    I remember.

    lying, it’s what they do,

    and we accept it.

  5. I wish someone could communicate to this “reasonable” person how an individual can break the law repeatedly and not be indicted or prosecuted.
    I want to know for personal benefit. Is there a loop hole I can slip through or boundaries to gain personal wealth, power and skirt the law without being an appointee of the Government?
    Up front I state, “I have no intention of breaking the Law”, but I would like to be treated justly and equally under the law.

  6. The more I hear from Comey the more I think he’s intentionally helping us by setting her up. We always knew that he couldn’t file charges, under orders from above. So he’s doing the best alternative. It’s making a lot of people angry, and they are going to take action.

  7. She wasn’t sworn in, or recorded, he never spoke to her and never sought her Congressional testimony. This is all just theater. So what Gowdy did good again, it’s his schtick. Everyone one with a pulse knows she has lied and she is never going to be punished …..unless she loses in November

  8. Shorter Comey:

    1) It is more convenient to create and maintain an email server than use the freely provided .gov account.

    2) Grandma cannot be expected to differentiate between yoga routines and sophisticated government intel.

    3) It depends on what your definition of liar is.

    4) What difference, at this point does it make.

  9. Comey is in the tank for the Clintons. If he had a bit of integrity he would have recommended charges, when overturned by the AG resign and hold a press conference where he answers each question truthfully especially (one assumes) about the interference and communications he received on this case by the AG and other parties.

  10. I started watching the kabuki theatre.

    comey’s testimony cannot justify his decision.
    it just goes round and round.

    if LCD is correct, then that makes comey not only a liar but a coward.

  11. We elevate liars because WE are corrupt!
    Not because THEY are!

    Most can spot a liar in about 2 milliseconds – but that doesn’t mean we shun them, or attempt to isolate them – it usually means that we’re amused by them – we take a certain amount of pride in knowing that we’ve spotted the liar – and aren’t sucked in by its lies. And when it gets elected or appointed to high office, we laugh and shuck and jive about how funny it is that a liar has been elected or appointed to a position of trust and authority. And then we get all serious and shit when the liar turns out to be a thief and an autocrat, to boot!

    Oh, woe is me! Thieves, liars, and autocrats are ruining the country!

    The Dem nominee is a thief and a liar!
    The FBI Director, appointed by a thieving liar, and approved by a gaggle of thieving liars, is a self-serving lying thief! Oh, MY! Who woulda thunk it?

    The lying thieves we elected to represent us in that cesspool of liars, DC, have stolen all the money, borrowed $Trillions more, and stolen that, as well! My goodness! Maybe we should elect, or have appointed, some other liar to clear a path through this jungle of mendacity! Yeah! That’s the ticket!

    Hold em accountable?

    It’s not really their fault!

    Somehow, it’s SOCIETY’S fault. SOCIETY is us. We’ve been conditioned, for 60 years, to accept ALL the blame, for every miscreant, liar, thief, pervert, murderer, corrupt politician, fallen preacher, willful retard, hate-filled izlamist, felonious negro, bad cop, and utterly failed school district.

    They keep shovelling shit and we keep calling it chocolate – and eating it with both hands, grinning all the while.

    What the fuck?

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. @ Tim. I never approved of any of the liars and thieves. Unfortunately I am in the minority and I am way out-gunned as are the rest of the Constitution loving people. It is a sad state.

  13. @Loco, exactly. Given how slowly this all unfolded, there’s bound to be a bomb of evidence they are simply no longer looking for. They were quick as a fox to find no criminal intent.

  14. We are Society well 1/2 of Society Democrats want the government to be Santa Claus free shit and 1/2 of republicans are Rhino’s. Yes its the politicians fault for offering so called free shit! No free shit less democrats. Less open boarders less democrats

  15. @Fur — That should have been the first question. And if he artfully danced his way around it, the second question should have been, “Has your life or the lives of anyone related or associated with you, been threatened if you reached any other conclusion?”

    Too strong? The Clintons have an inordinate number — way beyond statistical — of murdered and ‘mysterious’ deaths in their immediate circle of friends, acquaintances and work associates.

  16. Aggie, I shake my head ruefully about most of these demorats that are on this committee. The moron from Puerto Rico made it about BLM. I’m waiting to hear about Trayvon.

  17. “What in hell did I voluntarily resign for ?! Watergate wasn’t bathwater compared to the vomitus of both the Clintons and the blaspheming Muslim in the White House”

  18. I watched the whole thing and have the impression that Comey thinks she is guilty as hell, but just does not have the evidence to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt in a court of law. Also, I don’t believe that an indictment would damage her as much as the things he is telling about her in this hearing. He basically said that Hiliary is an incompetent unsophisticated liar, and he said it repeatedly. Had he recommended an indictment he would not have the same opportunity to do this. Comey’s actions are damaging Hiliary to the max IMHO. Thanks Comey!

  19. @ Menderman
    Yes. I agree. Plus, the media circus wouldn’t have sold anywhere near as many tickets and had so many repeat performances if Comey had found for prosecution or even grand jury. The replay alone is worth the decision. The opposing decision would have given her victim & pity status.

    Trump needs to keep making hay out of the crooked system theme.

  20. Scooter Libby said he could not recall to certain questions and got sent to jail for obstruction of justice. How does lying and deleting e-mail not get Hillary charged with this?

    Answer: Her name is Clinton.

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