When the Left Likes the Speaker Nominee There is a YUGE Problem – IOTW Report

When the Left Likes the Speaker Nominee There is a YUGE Problem

When Paul Ryan sat around, crunching his numbers, architecting a budget for his vice presidential run, what he left out is that in his model he had tens of millions of Mexicans plugged-in in order to make his plans work.

All of these traitor sh!tstains have the browning of America in mind. They believe it’s the bromide to fend off the fiscal collapse they, themselves, authored by pissing away money we never had.

They think by legalizing illegals they’ll get their mitts on the shadow economy and we’ll all live happily ever after. Ain’t gonna happen. Amnesty will be a net loss, more than just fiscally.

Breitbart –

A new PBS documentary has exposed the motivating factors behind House Freedom Caucus members’ decision to propel donor-class favorite into the most powerful position in Congress. 

As Speaker of the House, Ryan will have unilateral control over many aspects of the congressional agenda, including passage of Obamatrade in the lame duck session and amnesty legislation in 2017.

The two-hour long presentation reveals that the House Freedom Caucus’ founding members have been among the most ardent boosters in Congress of Ryan’s career and his closest allies in trying to implement Rubio’s 2013 amnesty plan. It is this fact that explains how the group labeled by the media as anti-establishment foes is now the group responsible for placing the establishment’s favorite politician at the doorstep of the Speaker’s office.

In recent days, prominent conservatives and grassroots activists have slammed the House Freedom Caucus for what they described as a “betrayal” of the Republican electorate. As Rush Limbaugh said after Ryan issued his list of demands to House lawmakers:

You would not think that the Freedom Caucus, the conservatives in the House, the Tea Party caucus, whatever you want to call them, no way would they go along with this. No way under the sun would they go along with this. … But it looks like enough of them will. … This is how we get. … I don’t want to say “played,” folks, but I’m telling you: the script is written offsite, backstage. We don’t see that. We see everybody playing their part, including the Freedom Caucus members.

However, what conservative activists describe as a “betrayal” is, for several key members of the House Freedom Caucus, the fulfillment of their long-time desire to implement amnesty


ht/ MM

12 Comments on When the Left Likes the Speaker Nominee There is a YUGE Problem

  1. There was more wrong with Ryan’s budget than just illegal alien amnesty; I seem to remember that his figures COUNTED on there being something like a 5% growth rate for 10 years.


    Ryan is a psychopath and a demented liar – which is partly why Romney, also a piece of shit, caused people to not show up on the last election cycle. Neither one of them were conservative thinkers.

    This country, the country started by the Founding Fathers, is finished. Period. The elections are all smoke and mirrors designed to deceive people into thinking they still have a voice when in fact the TRUE voice resides with the people who have the arms and are mentally preparing themselves for a time when the bullshit of everyday politics doesn’t satiate the stupidity that resides within all of us.

  2. Ryan is further confirmation that the “establishment GOP”, so called right wing, and the “progressive” left wing are of the same bird.
    They both crap in our nest and we are told to like it.

  3. Dragging the shadow economy into their tax base isn’t going to save the economy, they will just destroy it, too, as they have destroyed the ‘official’ economy. This will rip apart the last threads holding things tenuously together. Things will completely collapse – and not just economically.

    I am guessing it will look like a combination of the worst features of the Yugoslavia collapse, combined with the worst aspects of the Soviet collapse, probably with some new awful things we’ll come up with.

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