1 In 4 Canadians Agree With Euthanizing The Poor – IOTW Report

1 In 4 Canadians Agree With Euthanizing The Poor

Washington Standard

Leftist policies start out seemingly reasonable and compassionate before they become totally monstrous. Initially, there are sympathetic test cases, they started out with arguing that raped 12-year-olds should be able to get an abortion, and then before you know, it’s partial-birth abortion for bored celebrities. Euthanasia was supposed to help those with fatal illnesses suffering a great deal of pain. And then, in typical fashion, it morphed into killing teenagers and the depressed.

Where to in the Great North? How about killing the homeless and the poor?

Half of Canadians would agree to allow adults in Canada to seek medical assistance in dying due to an inability to receive medical treatment (51%) or a disability (50%). Fewer than three-in-ten would consent to expand the guidelines to include homelessness (28%) or poverty (27%) as reasons to seek medical assistance in dying.

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33 Comments on 1 In 4 Canadians Agree With Euthanizing The Poor

  1. Funny how the people in favor of euthanasia are the same people that say there’s no form of the death penalty that’s not too cruel for use on murderers.

  2. 1. Get people to vote to kill the poor.

    2. Use the power of government to take everything from people you don’t like so they become poor.

    3. Execute the poor that you just made poor and be rid of your political enemies.

    There may be a symbol of fealty to Government required for you to be declared not poor in future. a small tattoo, a trio of sixes perhaps, on the hand or forehead. Those not having it will be denied the right to buy or sell, become impoverished, and then subject to the euthanasia. For their own good, you know, to end their suffering.

    Stay tuned for further updates.

  3. I’ve said for years that $50,000 in bad heroin will cut the drug problem by 85% in major cities. Then reintroduce it unannounced every now and then to cull the herd.

  4. That’s the preferred method of decreasing our carbon footprint and reduce the population in accordance with the World Economic Forum and our future One World Government.

    Much more humane that burning witches and you don’t have to foul up the atmosphere by burning wood. Environmentalists agree.

    Welcome to the 21st century.
    If you can kill unborn babies with a clear conscience, Euthanasia is an easy transition. You know compassion.
    Society hasn’t evolved as much as we like to imagine.

  5. Where do you draw the line? We all know that Libs are famous for moving the goal posts whenever it suits their agenda. What was “poor” last year won’t be good enough next year.
    Aaaaaaaaannnnnd that’s the way it is with Commies who like to bastardize the laws! It’s never good enough!

  6. The Global Government Motto:

    “When one does wrong, one must do it thoroughly. ‘Tis madness to halt midway in the monstrous! The extreme of crime has its deliriums of joy.”
    -Victor Hugo, “The Hunchback Of Notre Dame”

  7. But it’s always bad enough. The left is just a bunch of miserable bastards who want to make everyone equally as miserable as they are. They can’t stand anyone who has a penny more than they do, or is taller, skinnier, sexier, more handsome or in the case of women prettier, better looking, more successful etc. etc.

  8. @PapaP
    I think the Government implemented your suggestion when they allowed tons of Fentanyl to cross the southern border from China.

    It’s working, making room for illegal immigrants and changing US Societal makeup.

  9. Now that the masks are off I don’t get any pushback except from progs themselves for referring to progressives as subhuman pieces of shit any longer. It used to be: Oh, c’mon you don’t really mean that. Their arrogance has lead them to renounce their birthright as a child of God and leave humanity behind. More and more are finally waking up to what they are.

  10. TRF AT 9:48 AM^^^^
    Killing the poor creates a new system of people at the bottom who now become ‘the poor.’ Keeps repeating until you get to the top. We should start with anyone who thinks this is a good idea.

  11. Leave the poor alone, they have enough problems. Euthanizing the ones that consider themselves elite would solve a lot more problems. Has there ever been a more destructive bunch?

  12. ‘Fewer than three-in-ten would consent to expand the guidelines to include homelessness (28%) or poverty (27%) … “ For now. Further reports as developments warrant.

  13. Rupert Smedley Hepplewhite
    AT 12:33 PM
    “‘Fewer than three-in-ten would consent to expand the guidelines to include homelessness (28%) or poverty (27%) … “ For now. Further reports as developments warrant.”

    They said they want ME to count the responses next time, so they can use it for policy planning!

    I’m sure you’re DYING to see the results I come up with!


  14. Anonymous
    AT 1:45 PM
    “free euthanizing available, just threaten a real human with grievous bodily harm or death”

    Or be a White person and yell “NIGGER!” on any streetcorner of any road named after MLK.

  15. Do they realize that “poor” is a relative term?
    What the Canuks call “poor” would be middle class in Calcutta or the Sahel.
    In the land of billionaires the millionaire is “poor.”
    (ask Bill Gates)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  16. “..seek medical assistance in dying due to an inability to receive medical treatment”. There’s the devil in the details right there.
    One wonders how many poor people were polled…

  17. Canada has gone lower down into hell than the US. It may be serving as a test country for these horrible and murderous new anti-human trends. It’s Nazism rising back up out of its hell-hole. No sane person could condone that.

    I will not visit there again until and unless Trudeau is out and the whole country drastically changes direction.

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