10 Myths of Covid Now Debunked – IOTW Report

10 Myths of Covid Now Debunked


Misinformation #1: Natural Immunity offers little protection compared to Vaccinated Immunity

Misinformation #2: Masks prevent COVID transmission

Misinformation #3: School closures reduce COVID transmission

Misinformation #4: Myocarditis from the vaccine is less common than from the infection

Misinformation #5: Young people benefit from a vaccine booster

Misinformation #6: Vaccine mandates increased vaccination rates

Misinformation #7: Covid originating from the Wuhan Lab is a conspiracy theory

Misinformation #8: It was important to get the 2nd vaccine dose 3 or 4 weeks after the 1st dose

Misinformation #9: Data on the bivalent vaccine is “crystal clear”

Misinformation #10: One in five people get long COVID

Read about each myth HERE

17 Comments on 10 Myths of Covid Now Debunked

  1. And yet they are preparing to poison masses of very young children, who are not even a risk group for the purported virus, with a false ‘vaccine’ that – even if it DID work – is made for a strain that no longer exists.

    And people will gladly offer their children up for slaughter, on the alter of goverment mandate, for the privilege of admitting their prodgeny to goverment indoctrination centers which will turn their own children against them, and against each other.

    If they live.

  2. And I was in a very nasty driving situation yesterday, and so was temporarily unable to turn the radio away when Sean Hannity started blioviating. This COVID coward, who called for the unvaxxed to be barred from returning to their OWN HOMES if they lived in the same building with him, is now trying to do a very tardy and unconvincing job of historical revisionism, and still can’t bring himself to tell the TRUTH.

    There were a LOT of lies, almost Democrat level lies, but one that stood out was that he pretended to take the goverment he supported and helped during the election and refuses to call out as illegitimate to task, citing that one of the egegious things the goverment did was bar the use of monoclonal antibodies as “the only effective theraputic”.

    Nice lie there, Coward Hannity.

    …you seem to be ignoring the REAL theraputic in the room, the one that cured ALL OF INDIA, a nation of BILLIONS.


    …but you do you, Sean. Go on, tell us how you can kick the ass of people you pay to fall down at whatever blackbelt mill you pretend to work out in some more. Do all the rest of your posing. But, just like your supposed “conservatisim”, we all KNOW you now for the plant that you are.

    The GOP-E is alive and well and speaking through shills like this.

    This would never have been possible were it not for their collusion with their “freinds across the aisle”.

    And children will suffer and die for it.

    As they kill as many of us as possible to bring in their replacement population.

    Which, for some reason, they don’t seem to want to vaxxx…

  3. “A mea culpa by those who led us astray would be a first step to rebuilding trust.”
    Bullshit, I think “Nuremberg Trials 2.0” would be better. Resulting in a couple dozen hangings would rebuild trust.
    Then confiscate Pfizer, Moderna, and investors assets.
    Make the punishment fit the crime.

  4. “Mistakes were made on both sides”
    Yeah, I agree.
    You lied, the economy crashed, people died.
    We didn’t shoot/hang any of you. Yet.

  5. None of this would have happened if the people who didn’t want to obey didn’t obey. “Oh, but I’m doing it so other people feel comfortable.” Fuuuck Yooouuu!

    I still manage to come across complete and utter goofs wearing 1, 2, or even 3 masks, often alone, outside, by themselves, everytime I wander from the house.

    Yesterday a cashier wearing 3 masks, including an N95, told me the total, all I heard was gibberish mumbling. Asked her “what?” multiple times. Finally she just pointed to the total on the machine.

  6. “Vaccines” for Covid = Population reduction on a massive scale. Not massive yet? Mandate it for school children and watch when they can’t reproduce.

    Never waste a good crises. And barring a good crisis, manufacture one.

  7. The same folk who told me Iraq has a thousand (1,000) Abombs told me covid was real and mask works. I said, and still say, when Iraq’s Abomb 455 is found ai will be very worried about covid

  8. @SNS

    Population of India is 1.4 billion living in in a third the area of the US. The most crowded part of India is the Ganges River Valley and the Delhi federal district where 340 million people live in an area the size and shape of California. This state of affairs caused the death of 15-20 million in 1918 Flu epidemic, as opposed to 675K deaths in US

    Using HCQ and then the even more effective IVM cocktail, India ended the pandemic in September of 2021 with around 530K deaths, half that of the US

    So the biggest crime of all was keeping this fact hushed up

    Theres a website called Worldometer.com that has the COVID death curves of every nation, as reported to the WHO. The curve in India jumps sharply after April, 2021 as millions of Hindus assembled for a ritual bath in the Ganges and then went home in packed trains. Without IVM, this gigantic super spreader event would have killed millions


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