12 Camels Bounced From Saudi Beauty Contest For Using Botox – IOTW Report

12 Camels Bounced From Saudi Beauty Contest For Using Botox

It’s disturbing that Saudis are judging camels on their beauty. Do they do an evening gown portion of the contest?


Please tell me they don’t have a “best hump” category.


A beauty contest in Saudi Arabia disqualified twelve camels after their owners were found to have used Botox to make them look more handsome, Reuters revealed.

The King Abdulaziz Camel Festival in Riyadh expelled the camels and their owners for violating the competition’s rules, updated last year.

“Camels that are found with drugs in the lips, shaved, dyed in any parts of the body, or with changes from the natural form are not allowed,” the contests rulebook says.

The festival, which lasts for 28 days, awards around $57 million in prizes for camels based on their overall beauty, but also in subcategories including camel racing, obedience training, camel hair art, and camel photography.

“They use Botox for the lips, the nose, the upper lips, the lower lips, and even the jaw,” Ali al-Mazrouei, the son of a camel breeder, told The National. “It makes the head more inflated so when the camel comes it’s like, ‘Oh, look at how big is that head is. It has big lips, a big nose.’”


Admittedly, in America we use hump enhancing drugs, but it’s an entirely different thing.

ht/ rickey g

23 Comments on 12 Camels Bounced From Saudi Beauty Contest For Using Botox

  1. You see a headline like this and your first thought is this has to be an article from the onion or mad magazine. Nope, real story. But think about it, they cover their women so……..

  2. If they cover their women and have beauty contests for camels, what must the women look like?

    My son flew helicopters in Afghanistan. He said they would often fly over camels and their ‘lovers’, having sex. Camel jockeying has new meaning.

  3. Camels want to use Botox so as not to be
    mistaken for moslem women.
    This is why moslem so-called men
    grow beards
    For they are SO ugly that
    Without facial hair
    They could easily be mistaken
    As a moslem woman
    And I haven’t started talking
    about the smell.

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