15-year-old boy accused of fatally shooting man who was charged with beating up the boy’s mother – IOTW Report

15-year-old boy accused of fatally shooting man who was charged with beating up the boy’s mother

A 15-year-old boy is accused of fatally shooting a man who was charged with beating up the boy’s mother, WXIX-TV reported, citing Cincinnati police.

Levonte Hyde, 30, was found shot several times in the 1600 block of Pasadena Avenue around 12:45 a.m. Thursday, the station said, citing police. MORE

19 Comments on 15-year-old boy accused of fatally shooting man who was charged with beating up the boy’s mother

  1. …having dealt with the aftermath of women abused in front of their kids in the Cincinnati area before, having had a sister in an abusive situation, and reading about how Mr. Wonderful there laid his hands on this woman BEFORE; and having seen how the “justice system” locally just springs ’em back out to do their cowardly punching again, I have only one thing to say about the 15 yo in this case.

    Good for him.

    He protected his mother in the only way that actually works in this shithole city presided over by an Indian Communist and policed by a lesbian Communist. They spent DECADES turning Cinncinati from a rock-ribbed conservative town to a liberal cesspool that disregards victims and protects criminals, after lyssing the projects out to fill the entire county with envy and want that they parlayed into political power for Democrats at the expense of human lives.

    Good job, kid.

    Good job.

    …and yes, Mr. Liberty, College Hill and West Price Hill are both ghetto shitholes. I once lived in Northside down from College Hill and it was a high crime thug life kinda place even then; and my wife spent her younger years in Price Hill and doesnt really have too much nice to say about it, either.

    Democrats cultivated this, very much on purpose, and Democrats refuse to punish criminals to try to forestall it because their pets are the source of their political power.

    Sad to say, this is as close to a happy ending that this tale written in blood and pain can possibly have.

    At least one woman can breathe a little easier.

    For now…

  2. Not seeing the problem here.

    He won’t be hurtin’ her again.

    “An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.”

    – Robert A. Heinlein

  3. “Police also asked a judge to issue a temporary protection order requiring Hyde to stay away from the woman, WXIX said, adding that an officer referred to the woman in court records as the “victim” and noted that she had visible injuries to her face.”

    Not a problem now.

  4. “What is a ‘jabroni’?

    For those who don’t know, a jabroni is a term used to describe an obnoxious or contemptible person. It was popularized by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson in the 1990s, though he said he took it from fellow talent the Iron Sheik, who used it backstage. Others to have used the term include Scott Hall, Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin and more.”


  5. “”He had time to find a firearm, open a safe, retrieve that firearm, and waited for the victim to arrive”

    So the woman beater was returning to the seen of the crime. I can’t believe they’re charging this kid. Some of these DA’s need their damn heads examined.

  6. On the surface I think a reasonable argument could be made that the boy had no idea if the attacker possibly intended to kill his mother in the future after this and took appropriate action… Especially knowing the revolving door of the “justice” system will just put him back on the street to commit more violence.

  7. Laws mean nothing without enforcement, and if the DAs and the system they have perverted turn criminals right back out to the street, the only justice will be civilian action.

    Chaos and mayhem are these Socialist/Communist/Boshevic/Soros mercenarie’s largest weapon!

  8. Harry
    Wednesday, 26 February 2025, 18:25 at 6:25 pm
    “Laws mean nothing without enforcement, and if the DAs and the system they have perverted turn criminals right back out to the street, the only justice will be civilian action.”

    …Hamilton County just elected a soft-on-crime Democrat prosecuter, completing the county-wide transition to full on Communism.


    …she did a bunch of other Democrat stuff before this, earning herself the moniker “Connie Pillage”, but however that may be, no help there…

    “As a State Representative, Connie fought to keep children healthy and safe, serve our veterans, protect our seniors, fund our schools, root out government corruption, and keep our streets safe.

    Protected funding for children’s services
    Introduced the Equal Pay Act and Whistleblower protections
    Stood up to protect Planned Parenthood
    Leveraged over $23 million to clean up polluted industrial sites across the county”

    “As a lawyer and public defender, I understand how the legal system can help people and how it can hurt them.

    I’ve helped drug addicts get into treatment, gotten illegal evidence thrown out, and protected victims of predatory lending caught up in the foreclosure crisis.”



    …and it was once, and not that long ago, a halfway decent place to live…

  9. The obvious illusion of the law or the abject dismisal of the law results in the complete absence of the law which basically takes us back to early times when there was no law enforcement and that is exacly what the Socialist/Communist/Boshevic/Soros mercs desire in order to establish control over the people with fear.

  10. Aaaaaaaannd establishing control over the people with fear is done with selective prosecution.
    Turn the chimps loose
    Prosecute the law-abiding citizens for defending themeselve or their relatives.

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