2018: The Year That Boofed – IOTW Report

2018: The Year That Boofed

We have entered that point in the year when columnists across the nation give themselves an intellectual vacation by writing a year in review. Not to be outdone, Dave Barry offers up a month by month examination of the key events that defined the year of witch hunts, political shifting winds and Eagle fans rampaging from city to city after their team won the Super Bowl in February. Here

15 Comments on 2018: The Year That Boofed

  1. Wow! I used to read Barry in the Miami Herald and he was funny. Now he’s just sad. But then again so is the Herald. Both are full of anti-Trump hysteria and propaganda.

  2. Two decades ago, I started a small collection of his books (three). For years, I would try to catch his Year in Review column. But it has become progressively less entertaining and enjoyable each year. This time, I didn’t even make it to “January”.

    Goodbye, Dave. I’ll miss what you were much more than what you’ve become.


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