April 2018
Former VA Secretary David Shulkin Wanted To Use Camp David As a Vacation Spot
Daily Caller: Former Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin’s troubles with the White House began over what was perceived as a pattern of wanting special treatment and luxuries, including [Read More]
Just in: Driver of Van Deliberately Plows Over Pedestrians On Sidewalk in Toronto
Death toll is at 9, with 16 injured, and they still won’t release the name of the man in custody, and you know what that means. Update: Driver’s name is [Read More]
Waffle House Shooting: Police Say Suspect Is in Custody
NYTs The police said Monday they had arrested a suspect in the killing of four people at a Waffle House in Nashville, ending a wide search that had unnerved one [Read More]
Unreleased CDC Study Supports 2nd Amendment
A study never made public by the Centers for Disease Control gathered information on the lawful use of guns by citizens to protect themselves for the three-year period of 1996-1998. [Read More]
Scott Adams Says Kanye West’s Tweet in 7 Words Unlocked Mental Prisons
West retweeted Adams, several times in a tweet storm. The left is in a panic. Their slaves are running off the plantation and they don’t know what to do. [Read More]
Income Tax Slavery — Do We Have No Choice?
Daily Caller: [Alan Keyes] The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degrees, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of [Read More]
Mexico Has Cartel Gunmen On Jet Skis
Breitbart: Two cartel gunmen on jet skis opened fire on a mobile food vendor on a crowded beach in Cancun. The attack caused panicked tourists including children to flee and [Read More]
NYTimes reporter admits writing ‘sympathetic biographical features’ for Hillary
American Mirror; It’s undeniable the mainstream media was in the bag for Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election, despite her recent assertions reporters were against her. Journalists are now openly [Read More]
DHS Describes Plan to Cut H-1B Outsourcing, Raise Graduates’ Salaries
Breitbart: President Donald Trump’s deputies are planning to shrink the H-1B program and force companies to pay higher wages to American graduates, according to a document from the Department of Homeland Security. The [Read More]
PP Fighting SEIU Unionization Effort
Service Employee International Union Local 105 has been trying to unionize Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada for a while now. The two mainstays [Read More]
Pennsylvania: Democrat Mayor Arrested for Allegedly Soliciting Hooker
Breitbart: Pennsylvania state police have arrested a Democratic mayor for allegedly paying a prostitute $200 to have sex with him. Police accused Eric Bower, 36, Bloomsburg’s Democratic mayor, of [Read More]
Hillary to remove ‘wife’ from Twitter bio
American Mirror; Hillary Clinton vowed to “change” her Twitter bio after it was pointed out at she lists “wife” first, while Bill Clinton doesn’t acknowledge her in his. This is [Read More]
Corker won’t oppose Dem seeking his Senate seat
WASHINGTON (AP) — Outgoing Republican Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee is sticking by his decision not to campaign against the Democrat seeking to fill his seat. Corker says he considers [Read More]
Memo Slams Fake News About First Woman Nominated to Head CIA
Breitbart -After weeks of negative media reports and political animus over Gina Haspel’s alleged participation in the destruction of videos showing interrogation of terror suspects, the first woman to be [Read More]