September 2018 – Page 2 – IOTW Report

Blasey-Ford: Hyper-political

Sunday, 30 September 2018, 13:09 BFH 9

A couple of days ago Page O’Turner snapped a pictures of Christine Blasey’s Facebook page. The page has since been scrubbed, but there is an archived link of some parts. [Read More]

College Profs Who Criticize Communism

Sunday, 30 September 2018, 12:30 Dr. Tar 8

In a rare “man bites dog” type story, Campus Reform reports on a recent panel of academics who called communism a near religion among its practitioners and declared it bound to turn totalitarian [Read More]

An Appeal For Offensive Art

Sunday, 30 September 2018, 11:00 Dr. Tar 6

Despite having their free speech case tossed by a federal judge, lawyers representing David Pulphus argued before the D.C. Circuit for damages to their client. The St. Louis, Missouri’s teen’s work had [Read More]

Choose your marble!

Sunday, 30 September 2018, 9:00 BFH 14

For some reason I cared about this. (It’s pretty cool.) Choose your marble and then watch the race. It’s on a sand track. Gravity is the engine.  

You’re My Best Buddy

Sunday, 30 September 2018, 8:00 Claudia 8

Images from: 1 01 Doug Wakeman (Graybe and Whitey. Graybe is gone but she adored Whitey so much!) 2 Adam (Jasper and Leilah) 3 Dee 4 Dee (Missy and friend) [Read More]

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