2020 Dem Andrew Yang drops out – IOTW Report

2020 Dem Andrew Yang drops out

Market Watch: Andrew Yang dropped out of the Democratic presidential primary on Tuesday night. Yang’s announcement came as results from New Hampshire’s primary were coming out, with Bernie Sanders in the lead. Yang had mounted a long-shot bid for the nomination, polling in single digits. more

22 Comments on 2020 Dem Andrew Yang drops out

  1. All I can figure is that most of these people were running just to get some name recognition for 2024.

    Don’t know a thing about this guy….so from that standpoint, he failed. At least the other candidates are… memorable? Loud mouthed? Bat shit crazy?

    Whatever they are, most people at least know what they do or did in the past. Some mayor guy, some blond indian…crazy uncle Joe and crazier granpa’ bernie…. probably some other skirt…. I dunno’.

    I guess that’s the point. If the only headline you can get is the one announcing you’re dropping out, you should probably run a youtube channel or something.

  2. Thank you Mr. Pinko! 1000 dollar guy…. for like everyone…on top of reparations…something….

    So really, what is he? A dentist or something? Yang Dental Group sounds familiar… Congressman Yang? Yang real estate….

    Yang it, I’m sure he’s somebody….

  3. doddle yang, doddle yang yang yang
    he’s my guy
    wish he were mine …. NOT! …………. Rejected!

    probably the only viable candidate for the d’RAT’s (as he does make some sense), but obviously they are so blatantly discriminatory vs. Asians

  4. That’s gotta hurt. I had a yang drop out on me once and it was all I could do to get it back in. Have you ever had to deal with an loose yang? The thing was just dangling there, all tangled up and denying any efforts to reinsert it. So, if you’ve never had to deal with a malfunctioning yang, you simply don’t know what you’re talking about.

  5. Unless the dude just took a dump on stage, no one was going to remember him. I didn’t even realize he was still in the thing.

    His resignation speech, as Rosie O’Donnell would say (pulling eyes back tightly sticking front teeth out), “Ching chong, ching chong, Donald Trump ching chong ding dong!”


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