2020 Dems Prove More Women in Politics Won’t Fix Sexual Harassment – IOTW Report

2020 Dems Prove More Women in Politics Won’t Fix Sexual Harassment


It’s no secret that the top ranks of the Democrat 2020 field have a #MeToo problem.

Joe Biden is a walking #MeToo outrage. And one of his presidential campaign leftovers was recently dumped by Schumer’s office for “inappropriate encounters”. Bernie Sanders once wrote, “A woman enjoys intercourse with her man as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously.” His campaign was a swamp of sexism, sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior by staffers and political allies.

And Beto O’Rourke’s former political outreach director has been accused of rape.


That kind of behavior inspires Democrat activists to insist that we need more women running things. But the only woman that the Democrats picked for the White House had a career record of covering up the sexual harassment and possible sexual assaults that were being committed by her husband.

The victim of Beto O’Rourke’s former director was fired by her boss, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee. The rapist was working at the congresswoman’s Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Leadership Institute.

Women are just as likely to cover for sexual harassment by a trusted male employee or aide.

Or even more likely.

Of the top 2020 candidates with a #MeToo scandal in their office, 2 out of 3 are female. Biden and Beto’s staffers disgraced their former bosses in #MeToo scandals after they had moved on.

Half of the top rank of 2020 female candidates had a #MeToo scandal happen on their watch.

That’s a worse statistical track record than even the male candidates.  more

5 Comments on 2020 Dems Prove More Women in Politics Won’t Fix Sexual Harassment

  1. Mix men and women in unchaperoned close quarter situations and pretend that they are equals and you will get “sexual harassment”.

    The situations makes no difference, anything from a small business to a political office to a school or church.

    It’s just human nature, human instinct, playing itself out.


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