June 2021 – Page 13 – IOTW Report

Remember The Names…

Friday, 25 June 2021, 2:45 MJA 12

Tonight- Chris Christie. Remember The Names of The Election Backstabbers.A rantalicious excerpt from the December 10th, 2020 edition of the weekly RazörForce Offensive, entitled ‘Backstab Symphony’. [some naughty [and hilarious] [Read More]

¿Qué pasó, Kamala?

Thursday, 24 June 2021, 23:00 MJA 15

Read this: Harris, under GOP pressure to visit border, headed to El Paso on Friday. – ABC News. Watch this: *Kamala Harris Not Visiting Border Crisis, Chooses to Go to [Read More]

Biden Violates His Oath of Office-

Thursday, 24 June 2021, 21:30 MJA 9

Threatens US Citizens with Nuclear Weapons. 25th Amendment anyone?Styx doubts very much that the US military could, or would want to, take on the US citizenry. * Some spicy language.

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