220 Million Americans Died in the Last Several Months – IOTW Report

220 Million Americans Died in the Last Several Months

35 Comments on 220 Million Americans Died in the Last Several Months

  1. She’s drunk off her ass in the second “tfhooohundred million Americans” clip. No doubt. Probably wasted the first time, too, but she held it together a little better.

  2. It makes you wonder, why would the Nazi’s run a candidate this weak if they wanted to retain power. Unless they are totally relying on the Big Cheat or Martial Law. Maybe they’ve already taken total control and we don’t know it.

  3. The purge is coming! She read ahead on the script she has been given by her lord the anti-christ…to set up the coming lawlessness that will destroy middle class and poor Americans thus leaving a peasant class of illegals to serve the overlords.

    oops or more farce?

  4. Jethro

    I keep reading all these so called national security experts saying there’s a Constitutional Crisis coming in late October early November but they don’t get specific. I dunno. I guess buy more ammo.

  5. If she is representative of the democrat party or that which the deep state actors who control it wish to project as a “leader”, it’s either a cruel joke on the people of this country, or we are indeed in deep shit.

  6. …you know, she might just be reading ahead to NEXT month’s script, you know, AFTER the next Chinese bioweapons attack, since they ABSOLUTELY cannot afford to have elections.

    Someone goofed and gave it to her and shes too stupid to read the date…

  7. Bad Brad – It makes you wonder, why would the Nazi’s run a candidate this weak if they wanted to retain power. Unless they are totally relying on the Big Cheat or Martial Law. Maybe they’ve already taken total control and we don’t know it.

    At some point we need to realize that they’re so drunk with power that they they don’t care anymore about hiding their agenda. They’re just dick-slapping us with these preposterous idiots like kamala, Walz and Jackass Joe who are flimsy cardboard cut-outs of “leaders” incapable of doing anything except lie!
    Goebbels rubs one out every time one of these assholes speak!

  8. Harry

    I’m not sorry worried about the Card board Cut-Outs. Which is a perfect description by the way. I’m worried about the evil power structure that give them their marching orders. I can’t help thinking they have something big up their sleeves.

  9. Oh, I was going to also going to say that just like they used cardboard to hide what was going on in the 2020 election vote counting, it is the cardboard cut-outs of “leaders” that are EXACTLY what exposes the dirty little secret that there is indeed a deep power structure operating behind the cardboard cut-outs!

  10. ^^^^^
    I posted earlier there a whole herd of “National Security Experts” that are forecasting a Constitutional Crisis in late October early November. They’re not saying what that might be specifically. But the current power structure is certainly willing to fight us in the streets. In fact I think they dream about it.

  11. Dead folks vote much more reliably than the living. The fooks vote democrat overwhelmingly too. Klammy ain’t worried she’s a Down’s syndrome muskmelon headed high yaller Indian ginch, not worried a-tall.

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