~~~~~~~~ – IOTW Report



34 Comments on ~~~~~~~~

  1. A lot of gay people are some of the most miserable self loathing people I’ve ever met. And I hate the co opting of the word gay, they are nothing but gay. Would you be happy with some other guys dick in your butt, if you are there’ something seriously wrong with you. And lesbians I just plain don’t understand. Nice job Screwtape for getting people to believe that homosexuality is supposedly gay. Taint so and never will be. I am not a homophobe or a hater, I just wish they’d leave us the Hell alone.

  2. “govt has no place determining who I love”

    Yet all these morons just fought for govt doing just that…

    Everyone not married is oppressed….and until everyone can just put someone on their insurance, file jointly etc they show how simple minded and selfish…and what frauds they all are.

  3. May we who name the Name of Christ join with the patriarch Moses, who chose to “suffer affliction with the people of God, rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.” – Hebrews 11:25

    (Because) “the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.” – 1 John 2:17

  4. We are in the midst of very disturbing times.

    Lincoln was a disturbed person, who managed his mental state by focusing on preserving the nation.

    The nation grieved when Lincoln was shot. Ironically, he may have been the happiest guy in the room.

    I relate to Lincoln.

    God help us all.

  5. Now that gay marriage is no longer contemptible by the law, we should expect nothing less than a nauseating and unwavering intimidation upon those who oppose, especially the Church. How can I not feel pessimistic knowing what haughty, ostentatious behavior is coming our way. They’ll be relentless and turbulent in their actions against anyone who opposes their now “Supremely Ordained” lifestyle. We are way past the twilight of descent. We are Sodom and Gomorrah.

    “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”
    Luke 21:28

  6. Mr. P – if not being married anymore means I’m oppressed, I like being oppressed far better than being married to my ex.

    I think the homosexuals that think “marriage” is so wonderful will feel the same way I do now for different reasons once reality sets in.

  7. So 2 same sex strangers can be put on each other’s insurances, married or not. Yet as an example, I can’t put my own sister, who is flesh and blood, on my insurance. Oh yeah, that seems fair.


  8. Hey bigamists, now’s your chance.
    Yes yes, that’s illegal. But why is it illegal for YOU and not THEM?
    Maybe they can discuss that with the supremes too. Heh. heh.

  9. This. I have known many gays. Male and female, and every single one had huge “self” issues. Didn’t matter if the parents and friends were supportive either.

  10. Maybe it’s time the church (comprised of people) cut loose the tax exempt status, stop being beholden to the state for a few morsels of tax deduction and start trusting God to provide their manna from Heaven. In so doing they can embrace the correct interpretation of “separation of church and state” as it was intended by keeping the government out of the church, and be truly free to preach the whole counsel of God’s word!

  11. I don’t know, I don’t think this decision will stand; there’s states’ rights and all.

    But having known that this was on the docket, our urban Seattle church took down its “weddings” link on our web page about a month ago. We have a beautiful, historic building that is in a wonderful setting for urban weddings. We were just ramping up our wedding business, too, because it is a great source of money for the many needed building repairs we face. Maybe the only legitimate way around this is to make weddings available only to church members and not the general public.

  12. Separation of church and state means just that. Separate. Nothing. To. Do. With. The. Government. They would then be BEHOLDEN to the govt. Paying taxes with money thats been taxed by the congregation would also be ‘double dippping’ for the irs. I think they get enough already.

  13. I predict someone is right now preparing to demand a church perform a same-sex wedding which they know will be refused just so they can sue both the church and each clergyman individually. They not only want to ruin the church, they want to intimidate every pastor, parson, priest, preacher, whatever into not fighting back. Few clergy earn enough money to defend themselves from big lawsuits, especially with people like Soros fueling it. Dropping tax-exempt status means nothing to them, that’s not their goal. Destroying organized religion is the end-game.

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