Liberalism Has Its Privileges – IOTW Report

Liberalism Has Its Privileges


If we’re going to be hypersensitive to displays that are potentially demeaning, how is THIS CHANT NOT DEMEANING?

You might as well call the team the Atlanta Chinamen and play this when you want your team to score runs.

Meanwhile, Keith Olberdouche is gleeful that a man is losing his business over a team name that is no less demeaning than The Cleveland Indians, The Atlanta Braves or the Chicago Blackhawks. Yes, yes, I’ve heard the argument that those other team names are simply benign nouns. But are they? Are there any actual Indians on those teams? If not, isn’t that cultural appropriation? Isn’t that reducing actual people to the role of a mascot?

The Cleveland Jews. The Atlanta Mexicans. The Chicago Lesbians. How would those team names sound?

17 Comments on Liberalism Has Its Privileges

  1. Yet another example of shameless hypocrisy from those who delight in screaming “Hypocrite!” at others.

    As for team names, I say we go with the vegetable kingdom. How about the Atlanta Kudzu or the Washington Strangler Figs or the Chicago Slime Mold?

  2. as a vegetarian I take offense to demeaning innocent veggies. Please look to the mineral group for your names.

    Oh jeeze does it get any more ridiculous than this? If I name something I like after someone or something it is a compliment to both. How calling a team after something is an insult is way beyond this engineer’s logic.

  3. The Redskins were actually named in honor of their coach, Lone Star Deitz, a Sioux Indian, when they changed their names from……
    wait for it………..The Braves!

    …so quit getting all ‘wee-weed’ up about it & shove that up your cornholes, ya pantywaists!

  4. Old Ted also owns a whole bunch of Native American mascots! Does that give him a demerit for every buffalo he owns? He should have to turn his Buffalo ranches and stock over to their true owners (it’s called reparations)!

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