3-Year-Old California Boy Is Stranded in Afghanistan and Could Not Get Out – Joe Biden Calls This an “Extraordinary Success” – IOTW Report

3-Year-Old California Boy Is Stranded in Afghanistan and Could Not Get Out – Joe Biden Calls This an “Extraordinary Success”

A three-year-old California boy is stranded in Afghanistan after Joe Biden pulled all US military support on Tuesday.
His family couldn’t get to the Taliban-controlled Kabul Airport to evacuate.

ABC7 reported:

The US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan has stranded between 100 and 200 American citizens who want to return to the states. One of them – a young boy born near Sacramento. I-Team reporter Dan Noyes has an exclusive, frightening story about what lies ahead for the child and his family.


14 Comments on 3-Year-Old California Boy Is Stranded in Afghanistan and Could Not Get Out – Joe Biden Calls This an “Extraordinary Success”

  1. The objective for progressives is to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death. Stranding a three year old in Afghanistan would appear to meet their unspoken criteria.

  2. Kali Refugee in Texas
    AUGUST 31, 2021 AT 9:39 PM
    “Who TF takes a three year old to a !@!!?!! war zone!?!?”

    …”CALIFORNIA boy”

    ‘Nuff said.

    As a CA refugee, you probsbly know that better than I…

  3. Twenty-four Sacramento high schools students are trapped there.
    They are part of our already large Afghan community.
    These kids are part of this community, and I’m more than angry they are stranded there.

  4. My blood has boiled 😡 since election night, but since this Afghanistan debacle it’s now at an all time level.

    Don’t know if I can get anymore pissed than I am now. 🤔

    Still steaming how that bastard treated the families of the fallen.

  5. It’s an Afghan family with dual citizenship visiting relatives. I’ll almost guarantee it. Lot of that going on. That doesn’t minimalism getting that family out. It just explains why they were there.

  6. This “California Boy” is an anchor baby…. just another paper American, a future Ilhan Omar. Let him rot in Afghanistan rather than lecture me in twenty years about my white Privilege. He’s far more Afghani than he is American

  7. Ask this of every non-conservative you know (known NPC drones excluded):

    If you knew for a fact that the Democrat globalists were out to weaken and destroy Western civilization by any means necessary, and the U.S. in particular, would it look any different than what you see happening now?


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