4 Out Of 5 Taliban Released By Obama For Bowe Bergdahl Now Have Minister Posts In Afghan Government – IOTW Report

4 Out Of 5 Taliban Released By Obama For Bowe Bergdahl Now Have Minister Posts In Afghan Government


The official Taliban government of Afghanistan will be celebrated and introduced on September 11, 2021.    Four of the Afghanistan ministers appointed to government are former Gitmo detainees released during the Obama-era swap for captured U.S. service member Bowe Bergdahl More

17 Comments on 4 Out Of 5 Taliban Released By Obama For Bowe Bergdahl Now Have Minister Posts In Afghan Government

  1. Somewhere there is a spoof on a drink, toothpaste, or other product commercial preference. 4 out of 5 Taliban prefer American leftists than American conservatives during a campaign to brutalize citizenry.

  2. How can I express my feelings delicately?

    I can’t. The best 9/11 ever would find Obama and Biden sputtering in pools of their own blood.

    I’m sorry for my bluntness and lack of compassion. These are two of the biggest traitors who have ever roamed the country.

    Fuck the both of them.

  3. Let’s not jump to conclusions. The fifth Gitmo detainee is probably on a pilgrimage to some Islamic Shithole looking for a teenaged virgin bride. He’ll turn up eventually, Allah willing.


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