45 Years Is Not Enough – IOTW Report

45 Years Is Not Enough

Dr. Farid Fata got off light. He received a 45-year sentence and was ordered to pay $17.6 million in restitutions to is victims for giving chemotherapy to patients who didn’t have cancer while under-treating others who did have it.


“He ultimately admitted to some form of mistreatment in 553 separate cases.”


Fata reportedly took Medicare for $225 million and private insurers for another $91 million.

I try not to wish prison rape on anyone, I see it as a failure of government to protect those that are put in its charge, but there are occasions when I am tempted to put aside my position on the topic.



20 Comments on 45 Years Is Not Enough

  1. I try not to wish prison rape on anyone, I see it as a failure of government to protect those that are put in its charge, but there are occasions when I am tempted to put aside my position on the topic.

    I couldn’t agree with you more. Too bad we can’t give the main article upthumbs.

    Having stepped in to give moral and logistical support to a friend with breast cancer whose husband couldn’t be bothered to do it himself, and having seen the life-sucking effects of ongoing chemotherapy, and more importantly its long-term effects, the actions of this man make my blood boil.

  2. I’ve spent some time reading articles about this case. None state specifically what the charges leading to the 45 years were, other than fraud. Some writers label the charges as “hurting patients.” That can be an element of a fraud charge. Financial injury. I hope to God he’s still facing criminal charges, first degree battery at the very least.

  3. He was on a personal jihad to damage the system financially, patients physically and if he got rich in the process, well oakey dokey then!
    Might be a good idea to stay away from muzlim doctors until they start policing their own.
    File this under the category of: “Last time there wuz a muzlim protest against terrorism – how ’bout never”

  4. A biblical prescription (eye for an eye) seems appropriate here. Put his ass through several stages of radical chemo treatments so he can feel the pain and suffering he inflicted on his victims for himself.

  5. I say hook him up to an IV and give him the “red devil”. Tie him to the bed and leave him there for a 6 hour drip daily. My father went through chemo and radiation. Dad didn’t make it. This doctor should experience that first hand and I wouldn’t care if the therapy wasn’t effective on him either.

  6. I am a cancer survivor and having taken chemo and knowing the effects on the body, the pain and the length of time getting to feeling better, my suggestion is to give him three rounds of chemo every day for 6 weeks intravenously, without pain medication and let him sleep on concrete during that time period. Then have him have Bubba Love as his prison cell mate following his castration, other than that, I recommend we show mercy.
    Finally, he took 316 million from Medicare and insurance companies, but only has to repay 17.5 million. Where’s the other 298.5 million and why doesn’t he have to pay it back?

  7. This has nothing to do with Islamic oath. This is purely the failure of the supervisors and inspectors who fail to monitor his professional competency. They also should be tried too.

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