— – IOTW Report

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  1. Over a million ticket requests.

    President Trump spoke outside to those who couldn’t get in, from 7 to 8. He then went inside and held the second rally!


  2. Also consider that the rally was only announced 10 days ago, the date was changed on the 12th to avoid a Juneteenth conflict, the Tulsa Mayor declared a civil emergency and curfew covering 6 blocks around the arena on the 18th, people were already camped out there and that wasn’t lifted until yesterday.

    President Trump is gonna need much bigger arenas before this is over in November.

  3. CNBC last week OMG Trump rally will have thousands of people and their going to spread Covid and restart the pandemic thousands are gonna die. CNBC tonight Trump is losing support he didn’t even fill up the stadium there were a lot of empty seats, he only drew 19,000 people.
    meanwhile Sleepy creepy Joe drew 19 people (if you include his wife and security agents ) and couldn’t fill a high school gym

  4. The local news showed many empty seats. Obviously before or after the rally. MSM supplied video.
    Time to root out the One World Government, Soros, Planned Parenthood, BLM, Woke, crap, and make it permanent.

  5. The take-home point for me is how many of my liberal friends so desperately need for the rally to be a bust that they will believe these fake news stories. A calm, rational person would accept what is and try to determine what steps would help his candidate.

  6. AOC is crowing about the Chicom Tik Tok kids who made thousands of fake applications for rally tickets to mess with the rally attendance. It’s really sad when you think you can use a computer keyboard to stop the Trump tide from coming in, but you are completely unable to fill the Biden thimble with the full weight of the Chicoms behind you.


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