5 Things To Do About Our Culture’s Antagonism Against Men – IOTW Report

5 Things To Do About Our Culture’s Antagonism Against Men

Federalist: In modern society, many of the ways we talk about male identity have either negative connotations or encourage disparaging, eye-rolling satire. If the term is man, then common terms we hear are “man flu,” “manspreading,” or “mansplaining.”

If the term is dad, then there is a droll shaking of the head at a “dad bod” or at “dad jokes.” If the term is guy, it is often in relation to stubbornly self-defeating behaviour: ‘I got sick, but I did the typical guy thing, and didn’t go see the doctor.” Or: “I was battling with my mental health, but I did the typical guy thing and didn’t ask for help.” If the term is masculinity, it is often used in relation to things males must atone for or confront: “toxic masculinity,” or “the crisis in masculinity.”

If educators, psychologists, and the media want to dissect emerging troubles in masculine identity, then a good place to start would be to acknowledge that many of the ways we talk about male identity undermine this goal. This is a problem that affects us all, because boys are growing up in a culture that is increasingly questioning what’s wrong with them, whilst perpetuating casual cynicism towards them.

There are several reasons why this kind of thing gets overlooked. One argument is that it’s just light-hearted ribbing, and shouldn’t be taken too seriously; but many of the examples above are not light-hearted, and it all adds up to a big picture of masculinity being an obligingly easy target. It seems that women are in many ways entitled to “punch up” at a fracturing but still prevalent male entitlement, and that therefore putting male-chauvinist antics or clumsily wayward men “in their place” is an amusingly empowering thing to do.

1. Start Calling This Bias and Negativity Out

So, the first change that needs to be made is simple and attitudinal: When boys see this kind of stuff on the TV, they should get in the habit of calling it out for being lame, and if anyone starts talking in a lazily derogatory way about men, they should tell them to take a hike. MORE




14 Comments on 5 Things To Do About Our Culture’s Antagonism Against Men

  1. Caveman PHenry could spend time trying to deconstruct an argument refuting this foolishness.
    But why?
    When engaging in a debate with fools the lines become blurred.

    I shall resort to my old stand by. “You’re standing where I want to piss”

  2. On a lighter note, maybe all us guys just need to say the Man’s prayer from Red Green, “I’m a man and I can change if I have to I guess.” That should absolve us of any responsibility of being a guy and probably drive the left ape shit as well since they have no sense of humor.

  3. I don’t care what the SJWs claim or how men are portrayed in movies and on television, society has certain expectations about what makes a man. That’s how I was raised, and I’m not about to change now.

    What current feminists fail to appreciate is that many men don’t place marriage and children at the top of the priority list. If they do marry and have a family, then men are expected to care of the family and provide a home. But if feminists want to encourage a hookup culture and act like men are unnecessary, then all I have to say is “enjoy your cats.”

  4. There are pickle jars that need opening.

    New Year’s Eve a 40 foot chunk of a dead oak came down, half on land. Half in the water.

    Throw a strap on it. Put the Tundra in low four wheel drive. Drag it across the yard. Chain saw. Boom. Gone.

    I try to be my wife’s goofy superhero. Not always perfect.

  5. Bashing men is not a solution to bashing women. You’d think society would learn this lesson. But I don’t recall any essays being written or seminars being required or marches being organized when everyone — and I mean everyone — laughed at “dumb blonde” jokes or looked askance at girls who aspired to be doctors (instead of nurses), professional soccer players (instead of cheerleaders), NASA engineers (instead of secretaries), bank presidents (see NASA reference), or ….

    Denigrating women for having aspirations (exercising their God-given right to pursue happiness) and referring to them in every kind of shameful manner — even by their own sex — should never have been tolerated by our “culture”, either. But, having done so, we now reap this harvest of goose-ganderism.

    I’m sorry, men, but you are not innocent victims. Maybe if you had paid closer attention to how easily (and inevitably) objectifying and denigrating women would backfire, we wouldn’t be in this destructive mess.

    Even in the gestation of this unique country of ours which held such promise for personal freedom, it was Abigail Adams who urged her husband to not forget about the women who were also fighting to gain our independence: “I long to hear that you have declared an independency. And, by the way, in the new code of laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. Remember, all men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.”

    It only took 150 more years before women were allowed to vote.

    If the question of individual equality had been soberly addressed and reasonably resolved, I don’t think we would be at this juncture now.

    And now I will go make myself a sandwich.


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