IOTW Report

46 Comments on

  1. If this weren’t such a significant image of a world changing event, I would be tempted to make a snarky comparison.

    Best leave that one alone. He is risen indeed!

  2. It is better to be in the boat, thinking about Jesus.
    Than sitting in church, thinking about fishing.

    Wherever 2 or more are gathered in his name……..
    Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
    Welcome all, have a great day.
    In Jesus name,

  3. I was fortunate to be able to do Easter Triduum this year (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil). I only say that because of all years, this was meaningful and soothing to my soul. The Lord Has Risen Indeed!
    Alleluia, Alleluia!!!

    Thank you for the all here at IOTW, I would be a lot less sane if it weren’t for you all.

  4. Human religious ritual and ego fail to God’s Grace this day.

    Just as the thief on the Cross beside Jesus we must acknowledge and accept His actions on our behalf. In doing so we are granted s small part of His kingdom.

    Note that no intermediary is necessary. You must speak to Him directly and not through some religious symbol or icon or “church official.”

    Grace is freely given for repentance.

    Amen and amen. Return for us soon Lord Jesus.

  5. Colossians 1:15-18
    He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.

  6. Hambone, how sad! I can’t imagine the pain of losing a child. Prayer does help in times of little hope. Especially when you know others are also praying with you and for you. I will be.

  7. Remember, the “my god my god why have you forsaken me” quote does not make Jesus an agnostic.
    This quote is from the 22nd Psalm. Its right there, We are tested. We need to know we are tased and Jesus was quoting scripture to remind us.

  8. So sorry to hear that Hambone. This is not intended to be a shallow platitude, but God puts adversity in our life to sharpen our resolve. How we respond determines how we grow. I can’t imagine your pain, I only hope that you are able to turn your pain into hope and help for others. May the peace of Christ be with you.

  9. Please read the following with the knowledge that in no way do I intend any venom towards anyone who has the desire to serve our great and awesome creator. Doing it in the only way that they know and understand. We are ALL at different points in our walk with YHWH and He works in our lives that which He knows will have the greatest return for His glory. Not one human who has ever lived has had or will have perfect understanding of His Word in this life. We ALL walk in the errors of our understanding and (soon) each will have to bear the shame of these errors. It would take a lifetime of lifetimes to unravel the layers of truth which are contained in His Word. His Word could be likened unto a Mandelbrot Fractal with its never ending depth and beauty.

    Perceived or real, anything I offer that points an accusatory finger is directed at those whom YHWH Himself states will pay a heavy toll for leading His people astray and making merchandise of souls. He also tells us that those who see the coming trial on the horizon and do not sound the shofar (trumpet), the blood of those not warned will be on the hands of the “watchmen”.

    The loosening and degradation of all aspects of our existence is not a new phenomenon. Specific to the ante-Nicene age, where fear and anti-semetic hellenized influences increased the anti-messiah spirit to further drive the wedge of separation between Judah and Ephraim. Minimizing the Hebrew-ness of Messiah and those who served Him, and the Torah observant lives they continued living (post crucifixion), was an imperative once the apostolic age ended. Judah was more than happy to assist in this division. This is foretold in the shadows, types and parables (Joseph narrative, prodigal son, et al) of the the split of the kingdom of Israel into the the northern 10 tribes, House of Israel (Ephraim) and the southern, House of Judah/Benjamin. Most of the prophet’s references to Ephraim/house of Israel are towards those who consider themselves part of Christianity and other derivations.

    If YHWH exists in an eternal and never changing state (Immutable), diverse weights and measures are an abomination to Him, our Savior spoke only that which the Father gave him to speak and history is cyclical, then how can the doctrines and platitudes of “the church” stand? if the overarching thoughts of the first sentence of this paragraph, which are threaded throughout scripture, do not stand as they were given/written, then your faith is in vain. It is for His set apart name and the favor, promises and covenants of the father’s of Israel (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) that He continues His steadfastness in all things.

    The seed being sown (Matt 13:37) is the ETERNAL Word of YHWH, it never changes! If you try to seek understanding only within the apostolic writings, you will be stuck in circular reasoning, for it speaks of ALL things of the Holy Scriptures (TaNaKh) of which the Bereans searched daily to see if these things were true (Acts 17:11). At that time there were no assembled writings of the apostles to search daily.

    If the Bride does not MAKE HERSELF ready, then, like the 5 foolish maidens, she will have to be put through the refiner’s fire, as gold is purified by fire. Blindness has come over, in part, all of Israel. Consider that the nations will be grafted into His Kingdom through the the house of Joseph (Ephraim and Manessah).

    May YHWH bless and keep you, shine the light of His countenance upon you, and bless all which you put your hand

  10. Sorry for your loss Hambone. We will all see each other after the return of Christ!

    Jesus Christ believed. Amazing. He could have given up any time but didn’t.
    God changed the entire world by raising him from the dead.

    That is real hope.

  11. @Bob Rumsford – your comment was difficult to process, mainly because I doubt that I have a grasp on faith and theology like what you described in your comment.

    But if I understood your message correctly, the key statement is

    “…If YHWH exists in an eternal and never changing state (Immutable), diverse weights and measures are an abomination to Him, our Savior spoke only that which the Father gave him to speak and history is cyclical, then how can the doctrines and platitudes of “the church” stand? if the overarching thoughts of the first sentence of this paragraph, which are threaded throughout scripture, do not stand as they were given/written, then your faith is in vain…”

    All attempts to shape scripture to fit current popular beliefs and audiences degrade and weaken the purpose and intent of the true immutable word of God. The Bride (the church) needs to to realign herself to the true word, or be purified like precious metal.

    Heady stuff, but necessary.

  12. Hambone,

    I only know the horrors of having nightmares relating to such a loss, they permeated my sleep for a while, when my 3 boys were very young.

    In short, know this brother, that on the other side of the darkness which you have found yourself these weeks, is a light ever so brighter than before the tragedy and pain. In trying your metal, He has strengthened you to a level with which you may not have thought that you could endure. He did this KNOWING that you COULD endure.

    Peace be unto you and yours

  13. My condolences, Hambone!

    That is something I hope no one experiences. Prayers of peace, comfort and acceptance sent for you.

    I can only hope he was saved. I cannot say that about all of my sons. I have many prayers for my own, too.

  14. Stirrin the pot,

    Yes sir, that is the core/gist of my post. Especially in relation to mixing of His appointed times (Lev 13) and ANYTHING not within His instructions (Torah). He absolutely ROASTED Israel for doing the exact same things. I would say that He has specifically purposed for Ephraim (“the church”/Xianity) and Judah (rabinnism / rabbinic judaism) to be the proverbial 2 sides of the same coin. When He comes (much sooner than many think) and Ephraim and Judah are contending with each other (it is growing), He will cause heaps of coal upon ALL who *think* they are walking it out “just like the first century church”. There was no such thing in the first century, “church” was superimposed later, while before EVERYONE understood the Eklessia = Qahal = assembly = Israel (Acts 7:38).

    Just as Shavuot = “pentecost”
    Pesach = “*ster”
    one in the weeks = “First [day] of the week” (look into the greek mis-translations of this)

    man’s continuous cycle:

    receive truth
    walk in it
    rebel against it
    YHWH sends His prophets
    Hard hearts/judgement

    Wash, rinse and repeat.

    WOW! Sorry, that was supposed to be a quick affirmation of your post (to me). I wish I could be more concise, I do apologize.

    Be well, be blessed, be truly covenanted with YHWH
    feel free to check out my FB page (link in name)

  15. @Bob Rumsfeld

    “…receive truth
    walk in it
    rebel against it
    YHWH sends His prophets
    Hard hearts/judgement

    Wash, rinse and repeat…”

    Sadly, the history of human nature.

    I’ve enjoyed your posts, don;t be a stranger.

  16. Dear Lord, touch our brother Hambone and his family, send Your Comforter to give solace in their grief, and grant them Your Blessed Assurance that this young man did not die forever, but instead is resting in Your arms even as we speak. And on this of all days, we are reminded by Your resurrection that we may ALL rise again if we follow You, either by the grave or on that Great Getting Up Morning when You call Your whole Church home, and remind them that with Your sacrifice and rebirth lies Your promise that we can be reunited by and by, and that beyond the wall of death there is more than mere memory, but eternal life in incorruptible bodies by the side of You always.

    And we ask it all in the merciful name of Jesus,


    God Bless,

  17. Praise the True and Living God. Christ has risen!
    Now and forever more, He lives!

    Happy Easter, Passover everyone. Celebrate The Resurrection of The Lord and Savior.


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