Krapper Shirt – IOTW Report

Krapper Shirt

Time for my annual Jan. 1 housecleaning of unused ephemera I wish I could’ve included in the previous year’s columns. David Cole – Taki Mag

Colin Krappernick

In July, a celebrity auction I attended up the street from me at Julien’s offered two exclusive Colin Kaepernick items: a signed game-worn jersey, and a signed Super Bowl backup jersey. Nobody went for ’em. I couldn’t find a way to work that into a column (as much as I wanted to show how even the sports memorabilia community has rejected the guy). So I’ll mention it here: People who’ll pay $20,000 for a Tom Brady shoelace won’t even pay a buck for a signed Kaep jersey. Take a knee on that, asswipe.

ht/ handsome

10 Comments on Krapper Shirt

  1. Well, I’d’a paid a dollar for that!
    I’ll need cloth asswipes when the TP’s disappeared from the shelves – a la Venezuela.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. If he wasn’t such an ingrate, full of shit asshole, that jersey actually would’ve sold well. It just goes to show you that all the people supporting his bullshit behavior don’t give a fuck about him at all. He’s just another tool to bash whitey.

  3. Who would want to buy slave clothing? Would you buy Kunta Kinte’s loin cloth? Anyone who bought this item could be accused of supporting the on-going tragedy of the NFL exploiting slaves. Far better to spend that money to send footballer players via the Underground railroad (Subway) to Canada.

  4. (at the auction)
    “Hey! You! Auctioneer! Yeah! You! I’ll let YOU pay ME a dollar to take that rag out of your inventory!”


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