68 Killed in Fiery Riot at Venezuelan Police Station – IOTW Report

68 Killed in Fiery Riot at Venezuelan Police Station

Breitbart: 68 people were reportedly killed on Wednesday in a riot at a police station in Valencia, Venezuela. When families gathered outside on Thursday to demand news of their loved ones, the police dispersed the crowd with tear gas.

Venezuelan Chief Prosecutor Tarek William Saab said on Wednesday that the dead included 66 men and two women, who were evidently visiting inmates at the prison when the fire broke out. He said four prosecutors have been assigned to investigate the incident and “immediately shed light on the painful events that have put dozens of Venezuelan families in mourning.”

“We urge the Venezuelan authorities to carry out a prompt, thorough and effective investigation to establish the cause of these deaths, provide reparations to the victims’ families, and, where applicable, identify and bring those responsible to justice,” the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said in a statement on the tragedy.

Human rights groups have long complained about overcrowded and inhumane conditions in Venezuelan jails. The political opposition claims conditions have grown much worse under dictator Nicolás Maduro. read more

11 Comments on 68 Killed in Fiery Riot at Venezuelan Police Station

  1. Who is really pulling the strings in Venezuala, that Country is beautiful and has endless tourism opportunities.
    Just let them provide for their families and leave them alone !

  2. The Venezuelans chose Hugo Chavez. We chose Barack Obama. Venezuela is in chaos today; we are not. There are many reasons for this difference, but it is important to note that in 2009 the Chavez administration persuaded citizens to change their Constitution to abolish term limits in order to properly implement “needed social programs”.

    So the moral here is: Beware Constitutional amendments for popular reasons, especially those enacted under pressure by special interest groups or the current government.

    And keep your means of resistance available as a last resort.

  3. the only Constitutional amendments i’m for are those that require all corrupt people to be sent to that shithole called mars. STAT!
    say HELLO to my little martian friend!

  4. The South and central american countries love their marxist politicians until they elect them. Guess they won’t learn.
    Look who they seem to vote for here!

  5. The military and police get fed, the peasants don’t. If the bread truck isn’t robbed on the way to the grocery the money to buy it isn’t counted it is weighed (really). As B.B. pointed out the people are unarmed, so they protest every once in awhile, the police come out and shoot a few of them to disperse the crowd and everybody goes back to standing in lines.

    Columbia and Brazil have millions of refugees that have poured into their countries and there have been many instances of the Venezuelan’s in these neighboring countries being killed by locals because the culture is very tribal and Brazil and Columbia don’t have the resources to feed, house and employ the Venezuelans either.
    The guy that this came from has been down there for many years drilling oil wells.

  6. Vietvet, remember, Jimmy Carter, sent to monitor the elections, ignored blatant voter fraud by Chavez’ machine because he was afraid if he challenged the election, “violence would erupt”. I hope he sleeps well at night…

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