7.6 Earthquake Strikes 95 km WNW of Hihifo, Tonga – IOTW Report

7.6 Earthquake Strikes 95 km WNW of Hihifo, Tonga

Take a look at the stats.
The US Tsunami Warning System said there was no tsunami warning after the earthquake.

11 Comments on 7.6 Earthquake Strikes 95 km WNW of Hihifo, Tonga

  1. The humongous tsunamis in Japan and Thailand where caused by much much stronger quakes than this in the 9+ range.

    But the congressional office of Hank Johnson is concerned that Tonga may be at risk of capsizing.

  2. Wow. Those hefty cheerleaders here in the US can cause world-wide earthquakes and tsunamis whenever they pound the earth. DoD, get those fatties in the service. Better than artillery, as long as they don’t hog the chow line.


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