7 Republicans Voted for Illegal Alien Amnesty – IOTW Report

7 Republicans Voted for Illegal Alien Amnesty


Seven Republicans bucked the party line on Tuesday and voted with House Democrats to grant illegal aliens amnesty.

Seven House Republicans voted for the Americans Dream and Promise Act of 2019, which would grant amnesty to more than two million illegal immigrants.

The legislation would grant illegal immigrants ten years of legal residence status if they were to meet specific requirements, after which they would receive permanent green cards after completing two years of higher education or military service, or after working for three years.

Only seven Republicans voted in favor of the amnesty bill, while no Democrats voted against the legislation.

The seven Republicans who voted on Tuesday with Democrats to grant illegal aliens amnesty include:

  1. Congressman Don Bacon (R-NE)
  2. Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL)
  3. Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA)
  4. Congressman Will Hurd (R-TX)
  5. Congressman Dan Newhouse (R-WA)
  6. Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ)
  7. Congressman Fred Upton (R-MI)


19 Comments on 7 Republicans Voted for Illegal Alien Amnesty

  1. These spinless oath-breaking POS’s need to be twittered the livin’ F out of!
    You get the representation you vote for.
    Shows what you voted for, and allow,,,,

  2. Our so called representatives continue to defy the voters knowing that our only recourse is voting them out at some point in the future. We’ve seen how effective that’s approach is. Our problem actually lies with the pressure of leadership and bribes from big business lobbyists.
    The voter is nothing more than a nuisance to be side stepped or otherwise sedated with other promises or programs.
    The only realistic approach to changing this cycle is organized and steadfast pressure that penetrates their insulated layers.
    This happens from time to time, starting with a flurry and then the resolve fades.
    I don’t see this pattern changing until people’s way of life is so disrupted and threatened that a violent response is imminent.
    I think we’re on the cusp of that event and another nudge or two will bring the storm.
    I don’t want to live under the control of these heavy handed thugs so there’s not much left to lose. I’m ready!

  3. Uptons from the west side of the state of Michigan. As a republican he can lean hard left in his area and garner a lot of Dem votes. Always been that way in that area. Detroit/Flint, Lansing and Grand Rapids area like to keep Michigan from going solid red. Lots of Chicagoans pollute our left coast as that is their historic vacation area. They own a lot of property up in Traverse city area.

  4. This is EXACTLY the same as the Frogs who supported “illegal immigration” from Germany in 1940.

    Illegal-alien-invaders are INVADERS!

    So. When do we start hanging this traitorous filth?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. As soon as I saw the headline to this post I knew my Marxist-RINO Rep, Fred Upton, would be on it. Sure enough he was. God I hope someone primaries him. Since this current term has started every vote he’s cast has been in lockstep with Nancy Pelosi.

  6. Somehow it figures that Dan Newhouse voted for illegal alien amnesty. He’s in about as safe a district as possible in the central part of Wash. state. He must be want to be pardoning all those illegal beaners who work illegally in the Tri Cities (Pasco, Richland, Kennewick), Yakima area and Moses Lake (Grant County) picking crops. It’s time for the farmers and good citizens of central Wash. to vote this RINO out.

  7. Do the majority of voters really care enough or pay enough attention to vote them out and replace them with someone that represents America and American citizens instead of Mexico and its citizens?

  8. But for the NRA-ILA we would not have to deal with this Newhouse a-hole
    Clint Didier would be the representative from the 4th District. DO NOT give to the NRA-ILA and DO NOT give unconstrained donations to the NRA. Give only to support the NRA training and competition programs. Donate to support Second Amendment, but not to the NRA. Donate instead to Gun Owners of America or Second Amendment Foundation.

  9. Wow! It’s almost (not quite, of course — “patriots” — but “almost”) like the only way Americans are going to be rid of aliens (no longer “illegal”), is outside the United States (no longer — already — of America).

  10. @No Blushes June 5, 2019 at 3:10 am

    > You get the representation you vote for.
    > Shows what you voted for, and allow,,,,

    You get the “representation” The Party allows you to “vote” for.

  11. @gin blossom June 5, 2019 at 5:57 am

    > Our so called representatives continue to defy the voters knowing that our only recourse is voting them out
    > …
    > I don’t want to live under the control of these heavy handed thugs so there’s not much left to lose. I’m ready!

    No, you’re not. You don’t even (claim? to) know who’s attacking you.

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